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планирование урока по анлийскому языку на тему "the letter to my pen-friend"

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Grade: the 7 th form                                             date:

Theme of the lesson: The letter to my pen-friend  

Aims: 1. to teach how to write a letter.

         2. To develop writing skill; 

         3. To develop interest to learn English.

Method: pairs, individual

Type: practice

Material: cards,

Producer of the lesson

I.      Org. moment

a.     Greeting

b.     Report of duty

c.     Checking h/w: ex.13

d.     Lingual knowledge:  now read this proverb “ A friend in need is a friend indeed” how do you understand this proverb?  

A friend –  друг

In need – нуждающийся

Indeed – в самом деле.

Найдите соответствующею пословицу в русском языке  

friend in need is a friend indeed – друг познается в беде.

e.     To introduce with the theme of the lesson: how do you think, what about are we going to speak today? That’s right. Today we speak about our friends  theme of our lesson is a letter to my friend. Today we will teach  to write a letter.

f.      Brainstorming: let’s remember adjectives those describe character people .

2x. p. 29 find the opposites of the following adjectives  

Kind – rude

Lively, active – inactive

 Lazy – hardworking

Helpful – unhelpful

Patient – impatient

Polite – impolite

Reliable – unreliable

Stupid – clever 

II.  Realization

Do you have a friend?

Have you ever written  a letter to your friend

(пока учащиеся рассказывают диалоги)

      6.   Первичное усвоение новых знаний.

There are some rules of writing letters. And if you follow these rules you will always sound polite.

Просмотр видеофрагмента

Look at the example of the letter:

Here we`ve got the date in the beginning: 5th of October.

The greeting: Dear Barbara.

An interesting fact about the person: I was glad to hear that your stay in Russia was pleasant.

Something good about the person: I can say that you helped my English very much last year. 

A question to the person: Are you going to come back to Russia?

A closing: Your former student.

And finally, the signature/ name: Dima Ivanov.

Окончание видеофрагмента

Now please, let`s find all the parts if the organization of Barbara`s letter.

(Task 1)   (in written form)

The 6th of December

Dear friends! I think they would like to invite you to London. Soon you`ll get the invitation letter. It was a pleasure to have you as my students. Here in London I miss you very much. They are very similar to you: happy, bright and a bit lazy.

Are there any new pupils in your class?

Give my best wishes to your teachers and parents.


8. Физкультминутка.

Now let`s play a bit and remember our organization of letters better.

По кабинету расклеены таблички со структурами письма:

Зачитываем предложения из письма для каждого ученика, а он должен переместиться к своему месту и не запутаться.

   9.  Первичная проверка понимания.

Физкультминутка включает в себя первичную проверку понимания. (ч1)

Now I divide you into two groups. I give you some mixed sentences. Your task is to put them into the correct order. (task2)

1)    25, Sep.

2)    Hello, dear Kate.

3)    I was very glad to get a letter from you.

4)    I`m fine. I go to school now but I often remember our summer.

5)    It was nice to spend those lovely days at the sea–side.

6)    You were a very good company.

7)    I showed our photos to my friends and they told me you are very pretty.

8)    How`s your school? Any new classmates? Do you have any new subjects or teachers this year?

9)    Hope to hear from you soon

10)                       Your friend.

11)                       Karina.

Two groups check the exercise together to compare the results. They also name the parts of the letter organization.

     11.   Рефлексия.

Now please, look into the envelopes on your desks. There you have got the papers where you have to put marks to:



My mood


My homework


My class work


    12. Заключительный этап.

And now, please hand in the envelopes and open your record-books to write down your h/w.

Ex. 19, p. 22 (S.B.) (write a letter to one of these children about your holidays)


For warming up:

Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: date
Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: greeting
Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: interesting facts
Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: good facts about the person
Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: questions to the person
Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: signature
Прямоугольник: скругленные углы: a closing










































Task: order the sentences to get a letter.

12)                       25, Sep.

13)                       Hello, dear Kate.

14)                       I was very glad to get a letter from you.

15)                       I`m fine. I go to school now but I often remember our summer.

16)                       It was nice to spend those lovely days at the sea-side.

17)                       You were a very good company.

18)                       I showed our photos to my friends and they told me you are very pretty.

19)                       How`s your school? Any new classmates? Do you have any new subjects or teachers this year?

20)                       Hope to hear from you soon

21)                       Your friend.

22)                       Karina.




25, Sep.

Hello, dear Kate.

I was very glad to get a letter from you.

I`m fine. I go to school now but I often remember our summer.

It was nice to spend those lovely days at the sea-side.

You were a very good company.

I showed our photos to my friends and they told me you are very pretty.

How`s your school? Any new classmates? Do you have any new subjects or teachers this year?

Hope to hear from you soon

Your friend.





My mood



My homework



My class work





My mood



My homework



My class work






My mood



My homework



My class work






My mood



My homework



My class work






My mood



My homework



My class work




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Краткое описание документа:

Данный урок предназначен для учащихся 7 класса в обучений написания структуры письма, развитий навыков письма.


Aims: 1. to teach how to write a letter.


         2. To develop writing skill; 


         3. To develop interest to learn English.


Method: pairs, individual


Type: practice


Material: cards,



Producer of the lesson


  1. Org. moment


  1. Greeting

  2. Report of duty

  3. Checking h/w: ex.13

  4. Lingual knowledge:  now read this proverb “ A friend in need is a friend indeed” how do you understand this proverb?  



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