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план урока по английскому языку на тему "At a Food Shop"

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 Form: 5

The theme of the lesson:       At a Food Shop

The aims of the lesson:

1.      Educational:  to explain new topic “Shopping”, to learn new words (butcher’s, grocer’s, dairy and so on), to enrich pupils’ knowledge about different types of shops.

2.      Developing:  To develop pupil’s listening skills, writing and speaking skills, memory and mental activities,  to develop the ability of self – studying

3.      Bringing up: to attract the pupils attention to the language peculiarities, to develop interest to the subject.

The type of the lesson: studying the new theme

The methods of the lesson: group work, individual work, brainstorming, game

Visual aids: an alphabet, CD, workbooks, cards.

The procedure of the lesson.

I.                   Beginning of the lesson: to create a foreign language atmosphere.

II.                Organization moment:

1.      Greeting.

2.      Dialogue with a pupil on duty.

Good morning pupils. Take your places. How are you today? How is on duty today? Who is absent today? Do you like today’s weather? Why? Why not? What day is it today? What date is it today?

Open your copybooks and write down the day, date and topic. Today’s topic is “At a Food Shop”. Today we will speak about different types of shops and we will find out the differences between out shops and English shops.

III.             Checking the home task

Now let’s check your home task.  What was your home task for today? Your home task was to make up the dialogue “Would you like some…?”.  So who will be the first?   

IV.             Phonetic drill

Look at the backboard. Here you can see words. Listen and repeat.





















V.                Explanation of the new material

 When you go to the shop you mum gives you a list of product that you should buy. Open your vocabulary and write down a shopping list.  So now I will give you a shopping list. Try to memorize it. Now go to the blackboard and drag the picture to the bag.  Good job! Nice of you!

Let’s do the next task. Look at the blackboard here you can see different pictures you are to drag the word to the picture.

VI.             Revision

Can you name the following words?

Are they countable or uncountable?

Countable – саналатын зат есімдер

Uncountable – саналмайтын зат есімдер


A carton of juice

A jar of coffee

A can of coke

A bottle of milk

A bar of chocolate

A box of sweets

A loaf of bread

A packet of tea

VII.           Listening

 Let’s sing a song “Hippety  Hop to the corner shop”

Hippety Hop to the corner shop

To buy some sweets for Sunday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy

Hippety Hop to the butcher’s shop

To buy some meat for Monday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy

Hippety Hop to the baker’s shop

To buy some bread for Tuesday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy

Hippety Hop to the grocer’s shop

To buy some flour for Wednesday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy

Hippety Hop to the dairy shop

To buy some butter for Thursday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy

Hippety Hop to the greengrocer’s shop

To buy some apples for Friday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy

Hippety Hop to the fishmonger’s shop

To buy some kippers  for Sunday

Some for you

Some for me

Some for sister Sandy

VIII.       New words

buthcer's shop

baker's shop

grocer's shop

dairy's shop

greengrocer's shop

fishmonger's shop

IX.              Training exercises

If you want to buy a plum you should go to the greengrocer’s shop


X.                Conclusion.

Giving home task: your home task  is to make up a big dialogue using all the question from the all previous lesson. Every partner should have about 15 sentences.

Giving marks

XI.             The end of the lesson.

Children! Our lesson is over. I’m very pleased. You were very active at the lesson.

Good bye!



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Краткое описание документа:

 Form: 5

The theme of the lesson:       At a Food Shop

The aims of the lesson:

1.      Educational:  to explain new topic “Shopping”, to learn new words (butcher’s, grocer’s, dairy and so on), to enrich pupils’ knowledge about different types of shops.

2.      Developing:  To develop pupil’s listening skills, writing and speaking skills, memory and mental activities,  to develop the ability of self – studying

3.      Bringing up: to attract the pupils attention to the language peculiarities, to develop interest to the subject.

The type of the lesson: studying the new theme

The methods of the lesson: group work, individual work, brainstorming, game

Visual aids: an alphabet, CD, workbooks, cards.

The procedure of the lesson.

I.                   Beginning of the lesson: to create a foreign language atmosphere.

II.                Organization moment:

1.      Greeting.

2.      Dialogue with a pupil on duty.

Good morning pupils. Take your places. How are you today? How is on duty today? Who is absent today? Do you like today’s weather? Why? Why not? What day is it today? What date is it today?

Open your copybooks and write down the day, date and topic. Today’s topic is “At a Food Shop”. Today we will speak about different types of shops and we will find out the differences between out shops and English shops.

III.             Checking the home task


Now let’s check your home task.  What was your home task for today? Your home task was to make up the dialogue “Would you like some…?”.  So who will be the first?   

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