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Мюзикл "Колобок". Музыкальная постановка на английском языке для учащихся 4 класса

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Мюзикл «Колобок».





Characters: The storyteller, Puff-the-Ball, the hare, the wolf, the bear, the fox.


Storyteller. Once upon a time there lived Puff-the-Ball. He had a grandmother and a grandfather. He loved them, but one day he ran away.

Puff-the-Ball. I’m Puff-the-Ball. I’m yellow, big and sweet.

Storyteller. Then he meets  a Hare.

Puff-the-Ball. Hello! Who are you?

Hare. Hello! I’m Hare. And who are you?

Puff-the-Ball.  I’m Puff-the-Ball. I’m yellow, big and sweet.

H a r e. Good! I will eat you!

Puff-the-Ball. Oh, please, don’t eat me! I have many friends! We shall sing you a song.

(Колобок исполняет песню «В траве сидел кузнечик» на английском языке)

1.There was once a grasshopper

There was once a grasshopper

In thick grass he was sitting

Like cucumber, so green

Remember my friend

Remember my friend

In thick grass he was sitting

Remember my friend

Remember my friend

Like cucumber, so green

2.His food was only green grass,

His food was only green grass

He wouldn’t touch an insect.

He made good friends with flies.

Remember my friend

Remember my friend

He wouldn’t touch an insect.

Remember my friend

Remember my friend

He made good friends with flies.

 Hare. What a nice song! Let’s be friends. Let’s play together!

Storyteller. They walk together and they see a Wolf.

Puff-the-Ball. Hello! Who are you?

W o l f. Hello! I’m Wolf. I’m grey and I’m hungry. And who are you?

Puff-the-Ball. I’m Puff-the-Ball. I’m yellow, big and sweet.

Wolf. I will eat you!

Puff-the-Ball. Oh, please, don’t eat me! I have many friends! We shall sing you a song.

(Колобок и Зайка исполняют песню « The Blue Coach»,Originally «Голубой вагон»)


All the minutes gradually fly away –

And you shouldn’t wait for them again!

And, of course, we’re sorry ‘bout the past, but yet

All the best is certainly ahead!

Spreading like tablecloth,

Distant way goes on

And it can reach right heaven’s horizon.

Everyone, everyone

Should believe in the best

The blue coach is rolling, rolling on…

Maybe we offended someone just in vain?

The calendar will turn over that page.

We are rushing forward to adventures,


Hey, come on, speed up, engineer!

Spreading like tablecloth,

Distant way goes on

And it can reach right heaven’s horizon.

Everyone, everyone should believe in the best

The blue coach is rolling, rolling on…

The blue coach is running and swinging on.

The rapid train is speeding up it’s pace.

And how come this day is coming to the end?

Why can’t we prolong all happy days?

Spreading like tablecloth,

Distant way goes on

And it can reach right heaven’s horizon.

Everyone, everyone should believe in the best

The blue coach is rolling, rolling on

Wolf. What a nice song! Let’s be friends! Let’s play together!

Storyteller. And they walk together and see a Bear.

Puff-the-Ball. Hello! Who are you?

Bear. Hello! I’m a Bear. I’m brown and very strong. And who are you?

Puff-the-Ball l. I’m Puff-the-Ball. I’m yellow, big and sweet.

Bear. Good! I will eat you!

Puff-the-Ball. Oh, please, don’t eat me! I have many friends! We shall sing you a song.

(Колобок, Зайка и Волк поют песню  “Five Little Green Frogs”)

Five Little Green Frogs

 Five little green frogs

On a brown log

Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot

It’s hot!

One jumps into the pool

Aah! It’s nice and cool

One, two, three, four frogs on the log

Four little green frogs

On a brown log

Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot

It’s hot!

One jumps into the pool

Aah! It’s nice and cool

One, two, three, frogs on the log

Three little green frogs

On a brown log

Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot

It’s hot!

One jumps into the pool

Aah! It’s nice and cool

One, two frogs on the log

Two little green frogs

On a brown log

Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot

It’s hot!

One jumps into the pool

Aah! It’s nice and cool

One little green frog on the log

One little green frog

On a brown log

Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot

It’s hot!

One jumps into the pool

Aah! It’s nice and cool

No little green frogs on the log

Bear. What a nice song! Let’s be friends! Let’s play together!

Storyteller. And they walk together and see a Fox.

Puff-the-Ball. Hello! Who are you?

Fox. Hello! I’m a Fox. I have a long tail. Who are you?

Puff-the-Ball . I’m Puff-the-Ball. I’m yellow, big and sweet.

F o x. Oh, very good! I will eat you!

Puff-the-Ball Oh, please, don’t eat me! I have many friends! We shall sing you a song.

(Колобок, Зайка, Волк и Медведь поют песню “Hokey-Pokey”)

  You put your right foot in,

 You put your right foot out,

 You put your right foot in

 And you shake it all about.

 You do the Hokey Pokey

 And you turn yourself around,

 That's what it's all about.

 You put your left foot in,

 You put your left foot out,

 You put your left foot in,

 And you shake it all about.

 You do the Hokey Pokey

 And you turn yourself around,

 That's what it's all about.

 You put your right hand in,

 You put your right hand out,

 You put your right hand in

 And you shake it all about.

 You do the Hokey Pokey

 And you turn yourself around,

 That's what it's all about.

 You put your left hand in,

 You put your left hand out,

 You put your left hand in,

 And you shake it all about.

 You do the Hokey Pokey

 And you turn yourself around,

 That's what it's all about.

 You put your right shoulder in,

 You put your right shoulder out,

 You put your right shoulder in,

 And you shake it all about.

 You do the Hokey Pokey

 And you turn yourself around,

 That's what it's all about.

 You put your left shoulder in,

 You put your left shoulder out,

 You put your left shoulder in,

 And you shake it all about.

 You do the Hokey Pokey

 And you turn yourself around,

 That's what it's all about.

 You put your right hip in,

 You put your right hip out,

 You put your right hip in

 And you shake it all about.

 You do the Hokey Pokey

 And you turn yourself around,

 That's what it's all about.

 You put your left hip in,

 You put your left hip out,

 You put your left hip in,

 And you shake it all about.

 You do the Hokey Pokey

 And you turn yourself around,

 That's what it's all about.

 You put your whole self in,

 You put your whole self out,

 You put your whole self in

 And you shake it all about.

 You do the Hokey Pokey

 And you turn yourself around,

 That's what it's all about.


Fox.  What a nice song! Let’s be friends! Let’s play together!

Puff-the-Ball.   Let’s  dance!


 Fox and Puff-the-Ball dance together. (Колобок и Лиса танцуют танго)


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Краткое описание документа:

В наше время возрос интерес к музыке и вокальному исполнительству благодаря постановкам мюзиклов. Мюзикл на английском языке «Колобок» разработан для учащихся 4-х классов и может быть использован во внеклассной работе в рамках недели английского языка. Подготовка включает в себя разучивание песен для каждой сцены, подбор костюмов и декораций. Результаты этой работы были представлены на ежегодном городском фестивале детского творчества «Hello, English!». Постановка мюзикла помогает более прочному усвоению и расширению лексического запаса, способствует совершенствованию навыков иноязычного произношения, формирует положительную мотивацию учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, доставляет удовольствие детям и их родителям, вызывает восторг у зрителей.

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