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Модульный контроль для 2 курсов

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МК-1      2-курс

TOPIC: Spoken Etiquette.

1. Choose the right variant.

1.     She is unmarried woman. Her name is …Brown.

a.        Ann Brown.

b.       Miss Ann Brown.

c.        Madam Ann Brown.

d.       Madam Brown.

2.     Mr. Smith is my father. I call him shortly at home…

a.        Dad.

b.       Father.

c.        Daddy.

d.       Mr. Smith.

3.     What do we say in the morning?

a.        Good day.

b.       Good morning.

c.        Good mood.

d.       Good-bye.

4.     If you want to leave the auditorium you ask permission such as…

a.        May I come in?

b.       Can I go out? I come in?

c.        Can I come in?

d.       May I go out?

5.     Perhaps you’re late. What should you use?

a.        Excuse me, I’m late.

b.       I beg you pardon.

c.        I’m late, as always.

d.       Sorry, I’m late.

 2. Choose the right equivalent of the word.

    1.Морское путешествие

a.      Cruise

b.     Journey

c.      Voyage

d.     Trip

    2. Остановка

     a. Platform

     b. Port

     c. Station

 d. Pier

    3. Бортпроводница

a.      Guard

b.     Stewardess

c.      Carriage attention

d.     Waitress

    4. Каюта

a.                 Carriage

b.                 Cabin

c.                 State room

d.                 Car

e.                 Compartment

5. Служебный вагон

a. Van

b. Luggage van

c. Mail van

d. Corridor carriage

6. Дорожная сумка

a. Rucksack

b. Suitcase

c. Bag

d. Trunk

7. Судно

a. Boat

b. Ship

c. Steamship

d. Yacht

3. Arrange the following groups of words into sentences.

1. to, my little sister, do not give, cold, water


2. my son, pictures, is showing, to, his grandmother


3. books, English, please, bring, some, me, for


4. it, give, us, to


5. article, is translating, he, this, for, me


4. Complete the sentences

1. From what ……………….. do we leave?

2. How can I get to the ..............................?

3. Please, bring me a cup of ………. ………..?

4. How long is the ……………..?

5. Please, give me a ………….. on a plane …………….. number 154.

6. When is the ……………………..?

7. When are we to ……………………….?

8. How much is one liter of ………………………?


5. Make up dialogue (or situation) on any topics.

1.     Are you fond of traveling? Why?

               2. What are their advantages and disadvantages of traveling?

3. What countries would you like to visit?

МК-2      2-курс


1.     Read. Translate. Learn. Vocabulary.

What hotel are we staying at?              Where is that hotel located?

Please, reserve a room in the hotel.      Please, help me to filling this form.

What is the price per night?                  What is my room number?

Haw long will you be staying which us? I plane to stay for one (three) day(-s).

Is there a restaurant in the hotel?           Where can I park my car?

Please, give me the key to number…     Has anyone asked for me?

I am leaving today.                                 Please, make up the bill.

Where can I change money?                  Do I pay in advance or on departure?


2.     What’s the English for … .

Гостиница                       Зарезервировать                      Заполнять

При въезде                       При выезд                               Номер комнаты 

Цена за ночь                    Ключ от номера                      Покидать

Счет                                  Чаевые                                     Номер люкс


3. Change into the plural.

a.      The sheep is eating grass. 

b.     There is a potato on the plate. 

c.      The postman is always very busy. 

d.     The roof of the Hotel is bad. 

e.      This piano is of the latest model. 

f.       He is our chief. 

g.     The key is on the shelf.


4. Choose the necessary of the verb: Future Indefinite or Present Indefinite. Underline.


1.     I (shall come, come) to you next Sunday.

2.     When I (shall come, come) home, I shall help my mother to cook dinner.

3.     The doctor (will give, gives) some medicine when he comes to you, Tom.

4.     If the weather (will be, is) fine, we shall go to the forecast.

5.     They (will work, work) on the farm next month.


5. Make up dialogue on the topic.









МК-3     2-курс


1. Answer the following questions.

1. At what time do you have breakfast?

2. At what time do you have dinner?

3. What kind of soup do you like?

4. What fruit do you prefer to apples?

5. What kind of salad do you like best of all?

6. Who generally lays the table in your family?

7. Do you like (prefer) tea or coffee?

8. How many meals a day do you have?

9. Who washes up in your family?

10. What words do you say after meal?

11. Can you prepare food by yourself? What?


2.  Write down what words on this topic do you know?      

1. Vegetables:

2. Meat:

3. Fruit:

4. Soup:

5. Dessert:


3. Give Russian equivalents to the following proverbs. Learn them by heart.

1. Tastes differ

2. As like as two peas

3. As hungry as a wolf (hunter)

4. His eyes are bigger than his stomach

5. Too many cooks spoil the broth

6. Hunger is the best sauce

7. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad dinner

8. After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk


4.  Choose the necessary word.

1. It was a (beautiful, beautifully) song.

    Ann song (beautiful, beautifully) yesterday.

2. They were moving (slow, slowly) towards the hill.

     The boy was a (slow, slowly) runner.

3. The children are sleep in (separate, separately) beds.

     Please, tie up these books (separate, separately).

4. Is this river (deep, deeply)?

   The boy is (deep, deeply) interested in maths.


5. Write down your favorite dishes. What do you like to eat?



МК-4    2-курс


TOPIC: The Sightseeing of city.

1. Answer the following questions.

Do you like to go a walk around the city?

Do you like to walk along the street just for nothing?

Have you ever lost your way?

How can you ask (or find) the way home?

Have you ever been to a foreign city (town)?

What do you prefer to visit or to see in a foreign city?

What places of interest do you want to see?


2. Translate the names of Interest’s places in London.

The British museum-

The Victoria and Albert Museum-

The national Gallery-

The Tate Gallery-

The National History Museum-

The tower-

The Buckingham Palace-

Nelsons Column-

Big Ben-


3. Use the necessary form of the verb. Underline.

1. We (was, were) in the garden an hour ago.

2. There (was, ware) three shelves in the kitchen.

3.Last winter Ann (was, were) in Moscow.

4.There (was, were) a lot of snow in the street.

5.Bob (was, were) a laziest boy in the class 2 years ago.


4. Translate into English. Find out the set expression.

-         посмотреть город-

-         посетить город -

-         посмотреть достопримечательности-

-         посетить музей, выставки-

-         быть туристом-

-         заинтересоваться-

-         потерять-

-         потерять дорогу-

-         не правильный путь-

-         за углом-

-         прогуливаться-

-         посмотреть исторические места-


6.     Write down mini dialogue on the topic.


МК-5    2-курс


TOPIC: At the Doctor’s.

1. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you call in a doctor when you feel ill? Did the doctor give you a sick-note?

2.What diseases did you have in your childhood?

3.Do you often suffer from headache?


2. What is the Russian for?

Toothache-                      Headache-             Temperature-    

Pulse-                              Pneumonia-           Medicine-

Tablet-                             Rheumatism-        Tuberculosis-

Prescription-                   Diphtheria-            Measles-



3. Translate into English.

1.     У него болит горло. Наверное, у него ангина.

2.      Где градусник? – Где-то на столе.

3.     Купите мне, пожалуйста, лекарство. – С удовольствием.

4.     Где рецепт? – Вот он. Его выписал врач.

5.     Что с вами? Вы похудели. – Да, я на диете.


4. Fill in the words: ago, yet or already.


1. We went to Madrid three weeks……..….    .

2. I have…….….met them.

3. She’s been at work………....8.00a.m.

4. I haven’t seen him………....

5. They have lived there…….…..2 years.


5. Translate into English.


How do you feel?                          I am not well 

Call in a doctor, please.                 I am having sunstroke

I have a cold.                                 I have a headache

I have a head cold.                         I have a pain in my heart

I have a temperature.                     I have a food allergy

I have a food poisoning.                I have lost my appetite

I have a stomach upset.                 What’s wrong with me, doctor?

I am having a heart attack.            You must go on a diet

You must stay in bed.                    Please, give me something for a headache.

Take the medicine three times a day before (after) meals.



МК-6    2-курс

TOPIC: Shops & Shopping.


1. Translate into English.

Shops and shopping -                                           a department -

a books store -                                                      a china shops -

a clothing store -                                                   a camera shops -

a jewelers store -                                                   a drag store -

a toy shop -                                                           a household store -

a perfume shop -                                                   a supermarket -

a mud department -                                               a milk department -

a fist department -                                                 a vegetable department -

a confectionary department -                                a shop window -

a purchase -                                                           a cash – register -

a cashier -                                                              a discount -

sale-                                                                       a change -

a customer-                                                            to buy-

to cost-                                                                   to choose-


2. Answer the following questions.


1. What do you do, when you see that you refrigerator is empty?

2. What do you like to buy?

3. Do you go shopping?

4. What is the best place to do your shopping in?

5. Is there a supermarket near your house?

6. What is good about self-service counters?

7. What can you buy at the butcher’s department?

8. What can you buy in the grocery store?

9. What can you buy at the Supermarket?

10. What can you buy at the confectionary department?


3. Choose the necessary word.


1. Mother gave me a cup of (carrot, milk).

2. Adam bought a box of (meat, sweets) for his wife.

3. Nelly brought a pail of (cheese, potatoes).

4. She put (sugar, salt) into the cabbage soup.

5. Do you like much (sugar, salt) in your tea?

6. Father always drinks coffee with (butter, milk) in the morning.

7. We usually have fish with (jam, potatoes).

8. Will you bring me a place of (juice, soup)?


4. Make up a dialogue using the conversational phrases and vocabulary words…

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  •      С развитием культурных и экономических связей между странами возрастает роль изучения иностранных языков. Однако специалисты отличают недостаточный уровень владения иностранными языками выпускниками школ. В связи с этим возникает необходимость воспитывать учащихся, способных выступать в качестве субъектов диалога культур. В последнее время в научной литературе уделяется внимание понятию «лингвокультурологическая компетентность» и «лингво-культурологическая компетенция».
  • Модульный контроль для 2 курса по розговорным темам программы. Каждое упражнение в МК расчитано на разноуровневое выполнение, с применением разных навыков и умений. Обучаемые должны применить весь изученный материал на занятиях и применить в МК для остаточного контроля знаний и умений.

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