Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыLesson 3 Consolidation. Tooth care

Lesson 3 Consolidation. Tooth care

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Kyzylorda region, Shiely district

“Ak Orda” school-gymnasium No45

The theme: Lesson 3 Consolidation

(demonstration lesson)

Grade: 5 “Ә

Date: 28.11.2014


The theme

Lesson 3 Consolidation

The aims of the lesson:

· To know how to care for their teeth;

· Learn to use modal verb “should”  and “shouldn’t” to give advice;

· To write rules of caring for their teeth.


1.     Warm-up

2.     Team work “Look and say”

3.     Pair work “Ask and answer”

4.     Individual work “Work book exercises”

5.     Individual work “CD exercises”

6.     Expressions

5 min

10 min

10 min

10 min


5 min

5 min

The expected result


ü  They will know how to care for their teeth;

ü  They will learn to use modal verbs “should”  and “shouldn’t” to give advice;

ü  They will write rules of caring for their teeth.

The main idea 

-      Create “Wordbank” on the topic “Smile club”: all learnt vocabulary words according to the teeth

-      Grammar drill: Should, shouldn’t.

-      Scanning the text: Read and find

-      Listening: Listen and read

-      Working out: understanding the implication of requesting and offering.


Assess with smilies

Traffic light cards  

Assess with smilies



Work book exercises


Teachers reflection





I.             Organization moment 

a.     Greeting

b.     Warm-up

*Solve the crossword

-         So, what is the main idea of today’s lesson?

c.     Divide the class into two groups

* Choose pictures of toothpaste and toothbrush.

First team will be students got picture of toothpaste.

Second team will be students got picture of toothbrush.


d.     Check their homework

Ask some of them to read their homework and assess with saying praises

II.          Main part

Step 1 Team work “Look and say”

*Read and look at the pictures.

*Make a poster. Write the rules for good teeth.

* Write unknown words and use the dictionary to look up them. Complete the following chart.


I know it

Have heard or seen it before



brush your teeth





good toothbrush










change your toothbrush





every three months





brush up and down





brush up on the bottom teeth





brush form side to side





Sweets and sugary snacks





eat fruit















twice a year





You should brush your teeth two or three times a day for five minutes. Here’s how.

Choose a good toothbrush. It shouldn’t be too hard. You should change your toothbrush every three months.

First, clean the insides of your teeth. You should move the brush up and down.

Next, clean the outside of your teeth. You should brush down on the top teeth. You should brush up on the bottom teeth. You shouldn’t brush form side to side.

Sweets and sugary snacks are very bad for your teeth. You should eat fruit. And remember! You should go to a dentist twice a year.

Assessment: Assess with smilies

Step 2 Team work “Complete the sentences”

*They should complete sentences with sticking appropriate picture and word, then read them. Sentences should be divided into two groups by 3 sentences for each team.

1.     You should drink lots of __________.

http://utshob.com/images/medium/Tiffany%20Full%20Cream%20Milk%201ltr%20T.Pack%20155.jpg http://mr-home.kz/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/CocaColaBottle_background_free.jpg

2.     We should __________ before dinner.

http://images.sodahead.com/polls/000164405/polls_brush_teeth_5356_639623_poll_xlarge.jpeg http://www.petprescription.co.uk/userfiles/images/washing-hands.jpg

3.     They should visit ___________ twice a year.

http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/dentist-holding-tooth-cartoon-36119237.jpg http://www.buriedwithchildren.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/hosp-wafti.org_.uk_.jpg

4.     He should eat __________ every day.

http://www.davidcantwellphotography.com/images/FoodL/vegetables.jpg http://www.strangehistory.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/sweets.jpg

5.     I should not play with ___________.

http://www.dynamicaccents.com/sites/default/files/attachments/imagecache/product_full/42134%20With%20Toys.jpg http://www.1800prepare.com/product_images/m/box_of_50_waterproof_matches__64968.jpg

6.     You should _____________ before you go to bed.


 Correct answers:

1.   Milk

2.   Wash our hands

3.   Dentist

4.   Fruits and vegetables

5.   Matches

6.   Brush your teeth

 Assessment: Traffic light cards   

Step 3 Individual work “Leveled task”

*Give them cards for each one. They should complete eat with writing advice how to care for their teeth.

“A” level: They should complete themselves.

“B” level: They should complete according to the pictures.

“C” level: They should complete with modal verb “should” and “shouldn’t”

Assessment: Assess with smilies

Step 4 Individual work “Work book exercises”

*Do exercises.

Assessment: Praises

III.           Conclusion

Expression of students about the lesson

Positive expressions: ______________________________________________

Negative expressions:________________________________________________

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Краткое описание документа:

Урок проводился на тему «Забота о зубах». В начале урока ученики должны разгадать слова посредством кроссворда. Опрос домашнего задания.

Урок является продолжением предыдущего урока. Ученики должны прочесть текст и заполнить словарную таблицу. 

Ученики будут работать в командах. Они должны заполнить предложение с соответствующим словом и подобрать подходящую картину.     


В заключение урока они будут работать индивидуально. Задания делятся по категориям: легкий, средний и сложный уровни.   

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