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Контрольная работа по теме «Конфликт»

9 класс

I variant

        I.            Match the words with the similar meaning.

1.      prohibit                             a) mediator

2.      declare                              b) announce

3.      separate                            c) express one’s opinion

4.      vote                                   d) divide

5.      suffer                                 e) feel hurt

6.      peacemaker                     f) forbid

7.      discriminate                     g) oppress

8.      disability                           h) limited ability

      II.            Choose the odd word.

1.      Hostile, violent, tolerant, aggressive

2.      Monarchy, democracy, equality, republic

3.      Coy, shy, confident, timid

4.      Pity, understanding, cruelty, sympathy

5.      Summit, date, cutting, party

    III.            Choose the correct response.

1.      to smell                             a) sweetly / b) sweet

2.      to look                               a) confident/ b)confidently

3.      to discriminate                 a) unfairly / b) unfair

4.      to sound                            a) aggressive / b) aggressively

5.      to work                               a) hard           / b) hardly

    IV.            Read and find out the correct options.

The continent of Africa is one of the most warlike continents – there’s always a war or several wars there. Angolan people, for instance, don’t seem to remember what living in peace is like. They’ve never experienced peaceful life for long. From the 16th century up to 1975. Angola belonged to Portugal and was its overseas territory. The fight for freedom never stopped but when independence was gained at last, an intense civil war broke out.

The main opposing forces were UNITA, which stands for National Union for the Total independence of Angola a MPLA – The People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola. These two political parties were originally founded to free the nation from Portuguese colonial rule. However, after independence was declared, their military confrontation subjected Angolan people to further suffering. Officially, the civil war was considered to be over in 2002, but the country is still being torn apart by major and minor conflicts.

1.      In Angola the breaks between wars never lasted longer than one year.

a)      T                       b) F                    c) Not stated

2.      When Angola became free from invaders, it slid into civil war.

a)      T                       b) F                    c) Not stated

3.      In the 19th century, the Portuguese language was spoken by everyone in Angola.

a)      T                       b) F                    c) Not stated

4.      UNITA fought for the country’s national independence.

a)      T                       b) F                    c) Not stated


      V.            Put the words into the text.

When children grow into their teens, they and their parents tend to become less happy with each other and quarrel more often. Then reasons for ____1_____ vary from the children’s poor progress at school up to their wrong choice of friends. Teenagers often complain that their parents _____2_____ them from going out at weekends and dictate how they should behave. Teenagers often rebel. They want to demonstrate how grown up and _____3_____ they are, which is usually far from what they really feel.

Psychologists think that it’s very difficult to _____4______ all the conflicts between parents and their teenage children. Children fight for their independence and ______5______, they may sometimes behave inappropriately. Teenagers are entering a new phase of their life and are often not able to cope with new emotions. Sometimes they want to be left alone so that they can process the new feelings and experience, and their _____6____ should be respected. Parents need to understand that their kids are still vulnerable when they are trying to cover their feelings with a false bravado. So, ____7_____ is not the best way to improve the situation. To avoid conflicts both sides have to be very _______8______ of each other. But if it happens, a conflict must be ______9______. Suppressed conflicts can affect _____10____ badly.


a) prevent      b) criticizing       c) confident       d) tolerant         e) privacy

f)  liberty        g) conflicts         h) prohibit    i) resolved         j) relationships



































Контрольная работа по теме «Конфликт»

9 класс

II variant

        I.            Match the words with the similar meaning.

1.      prohibit                             a) mediator

2.      declare                              b) announce

3.      separate                            c) express one’s opinion

4.      vote                                   d) divide

5.      suffer                                 e) feel hurt

6.      peacemaker                     f) forbid

7.      discriminate                     g) oppress

8.      disability                           h) limited ability

      II.            Choose the odd word.

1.      Race, nationality, diversity, ethnicity

2.      Peaceful, non-aggressive, military, civil

3.      Teamwork, cooperation, discrimination, solidarity

4.      Tourist, traveler, citizen, voyager

5.      Unite, consolidate, interrupt, team up

    III.            Choose the correct response.

1.      to refuse                            a) politely / b) polite

2.      to prohibit                         a) strictly / b)strict

3.      to sound                             a) curious / b) curiously

4.      to feel                                 a) cold / b) coldly

5.      to feel                                 a) hungry   / b) hungrily

    IV.            Read and find out the correct options.

Slavery seems to be the most unnatural thing for a human being but, paradoxically, it survived though thousands of years. Historians can’t say when and where slavery appeared but, according to them, it might be as old as civilization itself and it throve anywhere in the world regardless of religious beliefs and cultural values of the people.

Ancient Greece is known as the birthplace of the first democracies and greatest philosophers of the world. Slaves however were very common there, too, and no democrat had ever demanded abolishing of the institution of slavery. There were war slaves, piracy slaves and people who were enslaved for debts. They worked on farms and mines. Slaves who worked in wealthy households felt privileged as usually their work was not very hard and they were treated better.

In general, slavery in Ancient Greece was not as cruel as in lots of other parts of the world. A slave in Greece had no human rights, but his owner was not allowed to kill him at least. There was also a vague hope to gain freedom – some owners freed their slaves for good and devoted service. There was even the precedent of granting citizenship to a former slave.

1.      People in Ancient Greece could be enslaved for different reasons

a)      T                        b) F                    c) Not stated

2.      Slaves usually practiced another religion than their owners.

a)      T                       b) F                    c) Not stated

3.      Ancient Greek philosophers were strongly against slavery.

a)      T                       b) F                    c) Not stated

4.      Historians are not sure how old the institution of slavery is.

a)      T                       b) F                    c) Not stated

      V.            Put the words into the text.

The history of making proves that countries fight wars a lot. I can’t actually point to country which has never been involved in war or  ____1_____conflict.  There are lots of ____2___people can find for fighting. Some  _____3_____ want to gain control over other countries’ lands and natural resources.  War can be _____4_____ for political reasons, too. There are wars for independence when colonies fight for freedom and _____5______ . There are territories in which ______6______ movements are very active. There are groups of people that put forward political or economic demands and get  _____7____ in order to achieve their aims. But whatever the conflicts is about, it always brings  ____8_____ and death to people who are willingly or unwillingly involved. Social scientist and political scientist, _______9______ and just ordinary people are trying to work out a formula for a war free world. Living in peace is a  ______10______ desire and I hope that we’ll find out how to make the planet happy and safe .


a)  reasons b) suffering c) separatist d) violent e) governments

 f )military g) universal h) declared i) peacemakers j) self-determination








































I variant

        I.            1. F                    II. 1. Tolerant                           III.  1. a)

2. b                        2. Equality                                   2. b)

3. d                        3. Confident                                3. a)

4. c                        4. Cruelty                                     4. b)

 5. e                       5. Cutting                                     5. a)

6. a                        

7. g                       

8. h         

IV.       1.  c                          V. 1.    g                                    6. e

            2. a                               2.    h                                   7. b

            3. b                               3.     c                                  8. d

            4. a                               4.    a                                    9. i

                                                  5.     f                                  10. J




II variant

        I.            1. F                    II. 1. diversity                         III.  1. a)

2. b                        2. military                                  2. a)

3. d                        3. discrimination                      3. b)

4. c                        4. citizen                                     4. a)

 5. e                       5. interrupt                                5. a)

6. a                       

7. g                       

8. h         

IV.       1.  a                         V.  1.    f                                  6. c

            2. b                                2.    a                                 7. d

            3.  c                               3.     e                                  8. b

            4. a                                4.    h                                  9. i

                                                   5.    j                                  10. g








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Контрольная работа по теме "Конфликт" в 9 классе.

Контрольная работа построена в форме теста: из нескольких вариантов ответов на вопрос нужно выбрать правильный ответ. Данный набор заданий предназначен для проверки сформированности навыков чтенияи лексико-грамматических навыков по окончанию данной темы.

Контрольная работа адаптированна под учебник М.З. Биболетовой. Она разработана на основе учебного материала Юнита 3 "Can we learn to live in peace".

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