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Конспект урока The Pleasure of Reading

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Гимназия №64

Шуленина Альбина Олеговна

Учитель: Вольфсон Марина Евгеньевна


Тема урока: “The Pleasure of Reading”.

Цель урока: формирование грамматических навыков по теме “The Indefinite article”; формирование грамматических навыков по теме “The formation of the questions”.

Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование произносительных навыков, навыков говорения, навыков чтения.

Познавательные задачи: формирование социокультурной компетенции.

Воспитательные задачи: развитие умения работать в паре, воспитание уважения к своему мнению и мнению других.

Речевой материал: речевой материал по теме “The Pleasure of Reading”.

Оснащение: учебник, карточка, карточка-схема.

Учебник: Английский язык: учеб. Для VII кл. шк. с углубл. изуч. ин. яз., лицеев, гимназий, колледжей./О. В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева. – М.: Просвещение, 2001.










































































































































































Этап урока




Речевая разминка





















Проверка домашнего задания










Повторение ГИЯ










































Объяснение правила


























Повторение ГИЯ
































Подведение итогов. Объяснение домашнего задания

Речевые действия учителя


Stand up! Good morning! Sit down, please!

Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? Ok, thank you. Now, class, how are you today? What is the weather like today? Do you like such weather? What do you like to do in such weather?

Ok, thank you.


Today we have a grammar lesson, we speak about the Indefinite article, today we also should revise what we have already known about the Definite article.

But first, let us check the home task for today.

Open the books on page 143 ex. 9. You we to put the indefinite article where it is necessary.

Ok, well done.

And another task for today was in your activity book on page 67 ex. 4


Very good. And now let us once again revise the rule about the Indefinite article. Close your books, please.













Ok, thank you.

You have already known about the definite article. Do you remember in what cases do we use it?





















Ok, let us continue to speak about the way of usage the articles. Open your textbooks on page 143 “Read and compare”.

Here we can see another difference between the indefinite and the definite articles. Look at the examples: we use the indefinite article just giving a name to some place and we use the definite article meaning an exact place. Let us translate the example sentences.

Ok, good. Let us do the exercises.

The same page, exercise 10.


The following exercise 11.



Ok, well done. Now we are to do the following work. We will “work in chain” asking and answering the above question.

But, first, let us revise, how do we form the general questions and how do we form the wh-questions.









Ok, let us work.



And the last task for today. You are to read the dialog where two friends speak about a book as a birthday present. Then you should ask the questions to the given answers.




You worked well today. We revised the information you know about the articles and learnt something new about them. We also practiced the formation of the questions. At home you are to prepare for the word dictation and to write down a fairy tale using connects that we discussed yesterday. Thank you for the lesson.




Речевые действия учеников


Good morning!


P1: I am on duty today. Today is March, 4.

The weather is good today. I like such weather.
















Дети зачитывают предложения.






Дети зачитывают предложения.




P1: We use the indefinite article speaking about one particular object.

P2: We use the indefinite article meaning every object, any object and some object.

P3: We use the indefinite article to classify objects.

P4: We use the indefinite article with a descriptive attribute.

P1: We use "the" when the noun is clear from the context or situation.

P2: We use "the" when the noun has already been used. P3: We use "the" when the noun has got a limiting attribute.

P4: We use "the" when the nouns describe unique objects.

P5: We use "the" when the noun stands for the whole class of objects.

P6: We use "the" when the noun describes the adverbial modifier of the place.
















Дети переводят предложения.




Дети зачитывают предложения.


Дети зачитывают предложения.









P1: We put the verb on the first place, then goes the noun and the rest of the sentence.

P2: We put the wh-words on the first place and then goes the verb and the noun and the rest of the sentence.

Дети работают с карточками.


Дети работают с карточками.























Thank you, good bye!




Доска оформлена к уроку.






















p. 143 ex. 9






Рабочая тетрадь

p. 67 ex. 4















































p. 143




















p.143 ex.10



p.143 ex.11









Схема составления вопросов на доске.










Карточка-схема. (Приложение1)




Приложение 2

Jane: I want to buy a book as a birthday present for my younger brother, and I am in a difficulty what to choose.

Brad: And what kind of reading does he like?

Jane: It’s rather hard to say. He is a regular bookworm (настоящий книжный червь). He reads everything he can find: adventures, travel books, fairy tales, fantasy, science fiction and historical novels. The last thing I saw him, reading was a detective story.

Brad: I find detective stories stupid. I can’t read any of them more than half way through. Cheap stuff (ерунда, макулатура), I call them.

Jane: I can’t say that. Some detective stories are very clever. Take books by Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, for example.

Brad: Well, maybe you are right. Anyway, I wouldn’t advise you to buy a detective story for your brother. Buy him a good historical novel. It is worth reading.

Jane: A historical novel … hmm … it’s a good idea!

Brad: What about Walter Scott? He is a very talented and world-famous writer.

Jane: Yes. And I know he is considered the father of the historical novel.

Brad: That’s right. Has your brother read “Ivanhoe”?

Jane: Not yet.

Brad: Then buy it. I am sure he will be glad.

Jane: Yes, certainly. Thank you for your good advice.


1. ……? - I want to buy a book as a birthday present for my younger brother.

2. ……? - He is a regular bookworm.

3. ……? - He reads everything he can find: adventures, travel books, fairy tales, fantasy, science fiction and historical novels.

4. ……? - The last thing I saw him, reading was a detective story.

5. ……? - I can’t read any of the detectives more than half way through. Cheap stuff , I call them.

6. ……? - Walter Scott is a very talented and world-famous writer. He is considered the father of the historical novel.

Ключи к упражнениям

Учебник: стр. 143 упр. 9

1. a, - , a, a, a, an, - , a, a.

2. a, a, a, a, a, - .

3. a, a, a, a, a, a, - .

Рабочая тетрадь: стр. 67 упр. 4

1. a, a, a, a, a.

2. a, a, a, an, - , a, a.

Учебник: стр. 143 упр. 10

1. This is a house. It is the house made of wood. 2. This is the house that Jake built. 3. Your blouse is in the washing machine. It will be ready for tomorrow’s party. 4. What a lovely dress! Are you going to wear it? 5. In a good library there are always lots of children’s books. 6. The story was so exciting that children could hardly believe their ears. 7. The book looks very unusual. I haven’t seen a book like this before. – I am not surprised. It is a very old and expensive book. 8. I know a man who lives in a house.

Учебник: стр. 143 упр. 11

1. Take a pen and write down the new words. Take pens and write down the new words. 2. Draw a black cat with a bushy tail. Draw black cats with bushy tails. 3. You need a brush and some black paint to do this. You need brushes and black pains to do this. 4. You must be hungry, have a sandwich. You must be hungry, have sandwiches. 5. I was very touched when you gave me a flower on my birthday. I was very touched when you gave me flowers on my birthday. 6. Please bring a chair from the room next door. Please bring chairs from the room next door. 7. I want you to choose a good book and read it during your holidays. I want you to choose good books and read them during your holidays. 8. Don’t forget to write a greeting card to your grandparents and post it well before the holiday. Don’t forget to write greeting cards to your grandparents and post them well before the holiday.

Приложение 1:

1. Do you like reading books?

2. What kind of books do you like?

3. Where do you get books?

4. Why do you like this particular kind of book?

5. What is your favorite book?

6. What is your favorite author?

7. Can you enumerate the books you like?

8. How often do you read books?

9. How much time do you spend on reading?

10. What books can you advise to your classmates?

Приложение 2:

1. What do you want to do? - I want to buy a book as a birthday present for my younger brother.

2. How does Jane characterize her brother? - He is a regular bookworm.

3. What books does Jane’s brother like? - He reads everything he can find: adventures, travel books, fairy tales, fantasy, science fiction and historical novels.

4. What was the first that he read? - The last thing I saw him, reading was a detective story.

5. Why doesn’t Brad like detective stories? - I can’t read any of the detectives more than half way through. Cheap stuff , I call them.

6. Who is Walter Scott ? - Walter Scott is a very talented and world-famous writer. He is considered the father of the historical novel.






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Краткое описание документа:

Данный урок проводится по плану в соответствии с тематическим планированием. Объем нового материала оптимален   учебной программе, базируется на уже имеющемся в опыте учащихся систему знаний. Урок комбинированного типа: позволяет закрепить  лексический  материал  по теме «ThePleasureofReading» и грамматический материал  по теме «The Definite Article» и «Wh-Questions». 

         Включает все основные виды  деятельности: чтение и говорение, перевод. Урок построен с учётом средних способностей учащихся (при выполнении заданий на построение вопросов, ученики опираются на лексический материал, уже знакомый ученикам и карточку-схему, которую они видят перед собой, что помогает сформировать у детей навыки устной речи). На данном уроке использовались различные методические приемы, методы и средства: групповая работа, работа в паре, индивидуальная работа. Методические приёмы соответствовали возрастным и психологическим особенностям учащихся, целям, поставленным в начале урока.

         В основе урока лежит личностно - деятельностный подход, урок способствует развитию коммуникативной, социокультурной, и кооперативной компетенции.

         Так же имеются приложения и  дополнительный материал по теме урока, способствующие автоматизации навыков.

         Реакция детей на урок была положительной, материал был усвоен быстро и легко. Однако, следует отметить, что работу с карточкой “Work-in-chain” следует сделать не по типу onebyone, а все-таки по желанию или в разнобой, в противном случае дети могут потерять интерес к упражнению. Еще один плюс, в раздаточных материалах, встречаются слова и конструкции, которые будут полезны при дальнейшем обсуждении темы. Перевод дан в карточках, однако следует уделить побольше внимания, указать на выражения, объяснить возможные случаи их употребления.

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