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Конспект по английскому языку на тему " My body"

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Lesson 4 Date: Grade: 2a

Lesson theme: Holidays in Kazakhstan

Objects: SWBAT name holidays in Kazakhstan and say what they do in holidays.

Materials: English book for 2nd grade, student’s book, CD, pictures

Type of lesson: Typical

Procedure of Lesson:

  1. Org Moment.

  2. Checking up the homework

  3. New words:

To have – бір нәрсе болу

We have-бізде бар


A holiday- мереке

New Year- жаңа жыл

Nauryz- наурыз

Victory Day- жеңіс күні

The day of Astana- Астана күні

To sing- ән айту

To dance- би билеу

To give - беру

To give presents - сыйлық беру

To go-жүру, бару

To go to the park - паркке бару

To bring -әкелу

To bring flowers - гүл әкелу

A capital - астана

Very – өте

Beautiful -әдемі

A city - қала

A very beautiful city -өте әдемі қала

  1. Listening activity ex1,p14

We have holidays in Kazakhstan. We have New Year. We sing, dance and give presents. We have Nauryz. We have plov and nauryz -kozhe . We have Victory Day. We go to park and bring Flowers. We have Day of Astana.Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It’s a very beautiful city.

  1. Activity with pictures:

a) ex2, p15 Say what holiday it is: It’s Nauryz.

b) ex3, p15 Name the action.

  1. Let’s dance

  2. Activity with workbook

  1. Match pictures to the words b) Write the word

8) Explaining the plural. Ex4.p11 Make plural form.

9) Evaluation. Giving hometasks.ex3, 5 p11 and learn new words .

To have – бір нәрсе болу

We have-бізде бар


A holiday- мереке

New Year- жаңа жыл

Nauryz- наурыз

Victory Day- жеңіс күні

The day of Astana- Астана күні

To sing- ән айту

To dance- би билеу

To give - беру

To give presents - сыйлық беру

To go-жүру, бару

To go to the park - паркке бару

To bring -әкелу

To bring flowers - гүл әкелу

A capital - астана

Very – өте

Beautiful -әдемі

A city - қала

A very beautiful city -өте әдемі қала

To have – бір нәрсе болу

We have-бізде бар


A holiday- мереке

New Year- жаңа жыл

Nauryz- наурыз

Victory Day- жеңіс күні

The day of Astana- Астана күні

To sing- ән айту

To dance- би билеу

To give - беру

To give presents - сыйлық беру

To go-жүру, бару

To go to the park - паркке бару

To bring -әкелу

To bring flowers - гүл әкелу

A capital - астана

Very – өте

Beautiful -әдемі

A city - қала

A very beautiful city -өте әдемі қала

To have – бір нәрсе болу

We have-бізде бар


A holiday- мереке

New Year- жаңа жыл

Nauryz- наурыз

Victory Day- жеңіс күні

The day of Astana- Астана күні

To sing- ән айту

To dance- би билеу

To give - беру

To give presents - сыйлық беру

To go-жүру, бару

To go to the park - паркке бару

To bring -әкелу

To bring flowers - гүл әкелу

A capital - астана

Very – өте

Beautiful -әдемі

A city - қала

A very beautiful city -өте әдемі қала

To have – бір нәрсе болу

We have-бізде бар


A holiday- мереке

New Year- жаңа жыл

Nauryz- наурыз

Victory Day- жеңіс күні

The day of Astana- Астана күні

To sing- ән айту

To dance- би билеу

To give - беру

To give presents - сыйлық беру

To go-жүру, бару

To go to the park - паркке бару

To bring -әкелу

To bring flowers - гүл әкелу

A capital - астана

Very – өте

Beautiful -әдемі

A city - қала

A very beautiful city -өте әдемі қала

To have – бір нәрсе болу

We have-бізде бар


A holiday- мереке

New Year- жаңа жыл

Nauryz- наурыз

Victory Day- жеңіс күні

The day of Astana- Астана күні

To sing- ән айту

To dance- би билеу

To give - беру

To give presents - сыйлық беру

To go-жүру, бару

To go to the park - паркке бару

To bring -әкелу

To bring flowers - гүл әкелу

A capital - астана

Very – өте

Beautiful -әдемі

A city - қала

A very beautiful city -өте әдемі қала

To have – бір нәрсе болу

We have-бізде бар


A holiday- мереке

New Year- жаңа жыл

Nauryz- наурыз

Victory Day- жеңіс күні

The day of Astana- Астана күні

To sing- ән айту

To dance- би билеу

To give - беру

To give presents - сыйлық беру

To go-жүру, бару

To go to the park - паркке бару

To bring -әкелу

To bring flowers - гүл әкелу

A capital - астана

Very – өте

Beautiful -әдемі

A city - қала

A very beautiful city -өте әдемі қала

Lesson 5 Date: Grade: 2a

Lesson theme: Holidays in England

Objects: SWBAT learn to tell about public holidays in England, giving basic information about celebration of these holidays.

Materials: English book for 2nd grade, student’s book, CD, pictures

Type of lesson: Typical

Procedure of Lesson:

  1. Org Moment.2

  2. Checking up the homework: their homework is ex3, 5, p11 and learn new words.

  3. Presentation of new words:

We have-уи хәв – бізде бар

Many –мэни –көп,көптеген

Holiday –холидэй-мереке

England энгланд –англия

in England- ин энгланд- Англияда

Too- түү- да, де (орыстың тоже деген сөзбен мағынасы бірдей)

Christmas- кристмас – 24- желтоқсанда тойланатын мереке( Есус Христтің туған күні)

With- уиз –пен, бен деген жалғау

Tree – три -ағаш

Christmas tree – кристмас три – кристмас мерекесінде қойылатын шырша ағашы

Santa Clause – санта клаус –Аяз ата

Mother’s day – мадэрс дэй – аналар мейрамы (Мамырдың 12де тойланады)

We – уи -біз

Our – ауа -біздің

Easter – истэ –пасха мерекесі ( Көктем айында тойланады)

At – әт -да, де деген жалғау

At easter – ат истэ - пасхада

Spring – сприң -көктем

In spring – ин сприң -көктемде

Colour – колор- түс

Egg – эг -жұмыртқа

Eggs – эгс -жұмыртқалар

Queen – куин -патшайым

Birthday – бөздей-туған күн

Summer – саммэ -жаз

In summer – ин саммэ- жазда

To watch – уоч- көру

Parade – пағад- сапқа тұру

Happy – хәппи-көңілді

Happy birthday – хәппи бөздэй –туған күніңмен

For the queen – фор зэ куин –патшайым үшін

Great- грит-керемет,тамаша

  1. Listening activity ex1,p16 Track 10

We have many holidays in England too. We have Christmas with a Christmas tree and Santa Clause. We have Mother’s Day. We give presents to our mothers. We have Easter in spring. We colour eggs at Easter. We have Queen’s Birthday in summer. We watch parade and sing “ Happy birthday” for the queen. Holidays are great!

  1. Answering the questions: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. ex2, p17

Is it Christmas? Is it Easter? Is it Queen’s Birthday? Is it Mother’s Day?

  1. Listen and learn the poem. Track 11

I love you, Mom

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

You’re my mom

And I love you.

  1. Let’s have a rest: Hands up hands down

Hands on the hips

Bend left, bend right

Turn around and sit down.

  1. Activity with workbook

  1. Choose the right answer.

- Is it spring? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

-Is it summer? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

2) Match the pictures to the words.

3) Read and colour the eggs.

1. It’s a blue egg.

2. It’s a yellow egg.

3. it’s a green egg.

4. It’s a red egg.

9) Evaluation. Today you worked hard. Your mark is…

Giving home tasks: ex4, p13 Find the words and write them and learn new words, poem

Мәтінді оқып, аударып, жатта.

We have many holidays in England too. We have Christmas with a Christmas tree and Santa Clause. We have Mother’s Day. We give presents to our mothers. We have Easter in spring. We colour eggs at Easter. We have Queen’s Birthday in summer. We watch parade and sing “ Happy birthday” for the queen. Holidays are great!

We have-уи хәв – бізде бар

Many –мэни –көп,көптеген

Holiday –холидэй-мереке

England энгланд –Англия

in England- ин энгланд- Англияда

Too- түү- да, де (орыстың тоже деген сөзбен мағынасы бірдей)

Christmas- кристмас – 24- желтоқсанда тойланатын мереке( Есус Христтің туған күні)

With- уиз –пен, бен деген жалғау

Tree – три -ағаш

Christmas tree – кристмас три – кристмас мерекесінде қойылатын шырша ағашы

Santa Clause – санта клаус –Аяз ата

Mother’s day – мадэрс дэй – аналар мейрамы (Мамырдың 12де тойланады)

We – уи -біз

Our – ауа -біздің

Easter – истэ –пасха мерекесі ( Көктем айында тойланады)

At – әт -да, де деген жалғау

At easter – ат истэ - пасхада

Spring – сприң -көктем

In spring – ин сприң -көктемде

To colour – колор- ,бояу

Egg – эг -жұмыртқа

Eggs – эгс -жұмыртқалар

Queen – куин -патшайым

Birthday – бөздей-туған күн

Summer – саммэ -жаз

In summer – ин саммэ- жазда

To watch – уоч- көру

Parade – пағад- сапқа тұру

Happy – хәппи-көңілді

Happy birthday – хәппи бөздэй –туған күніңмен

For the queen – фор зэ куин –патшайым үшін

Great- грит-керемет

Lesson 6 Date: Grade: 2a

Lesson theme: Professions

Objects: SWBAT name professions and say what they want to be.

Materials: English book for 2nd grade, student’s book, CD, pictures

Type of lesson: New

Procedure of Lesson:

  1. Org Moment.2

  2. Checking up the homework: their homework is ex4, 5, p13 and learn new words.

  3. Presentation of new words: Listening activity ex1,p18 Track 12

A driver э драйвэ -жүргізуші

A pilotэ пайлот- ұшқыш

A cook э коок-аспаз

A doctorэ докто- дәрігер

A profession – э профешн- мамандық

to want – уант- бір нәрсені қалау

I want to be a driver- ай уант тү би э драйвэ- Мен дәрігер болғым келеді.

  1. Let’s have rest.

One, one , one I can run

Two, two, two I can jump

Three, three, three look at me

  1. Listen and learn the poem. Track 13

I want to be a pilot.

I want to be a cook.

All professions are important.

All professions are good.

Remember! I want to be a driver.

  1. Read, then say about yourself.Ex4, p19

Hi, my name is Serik. I’m 8. I like cars. I want to be a driver.

Hello, I’m Karim. I like planes very much. I want to be a pilot.

Hello, I’m Amina. I’m 9. My mom is a doctor. I want to be a doctor too.

Hi, I’m Zere. I’m 8.I help my mother a lot. I want to be a cook.

  1. Phonics. OO

Balloon, spoon, moon, book, cook, goodbye

Look at the cook

He makes food.

He has a spoon and

A cook book.

  1. Evaluation. Today you worked hard. Your marks are…

Giving home tasks: ex2, p14 Finish the sentence

Ex4, p15 Draw what you want to be and write.

Lesson 7 Date: Grade: 2a

Lesson theme: Professions

Objects: SWBAT learn few professions and say what their parents’ jobs are.

Materials: English book for 2nd grade, student’s book, CD, pictures

Type of lesson: New

Procedure of Lesson:

  1. Org Moment.2

  2. Checking up the homework: their homework is ex2, 4, p14-158

  3. Listening and learning

This is my father. He‘s a pilot .

This is my mother. She’s a cook.

This is my father. He’s a taxi-driver.

This is my mother. He’s a doctor.

This is my father. He’s a teacher.

This is my mother. She’s a teacher too.

  1. Writing activity. Students must finish the sentences. Words: clown, vet, policeman, seller, pianist, doctor, pilot, cook

My father is a _______________

My mother is a ______________

  1. Let’s have rest.

Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Hop! Hop! Hop! Stop! Stand still!

  1. Speaking activity: ex3, p21 Say about your parents.


Driver, seller, teacher

  1. Phonics. OW

Clown, cow, flower, how

How are you? How are you?

How are you today?

I’m fine. I’m fine.

Thank you. Hooray!

  1. Evaluation. Today we have learned a few professions and what do your parents.

Your marks are…

Giving home tasks: ex1, p16 Find the words.

Ex2 , p16 Write the missing letter.

Lesson 8 Date: Grade: 2a

Lesson theme: Professions

Objects: SWBAT learn to understand the text connected to the topic of this unit. Learn Present Simple Tense using examples from the text.

Materials: English book for 2nd grade, student’s book, CD, pictures

Type of lesson: New


Procedure of Lesson:

  1. Org Moment.2

  2. Checking up the homework: their homework is ex1,2 , p16

  3. Listening and reading

This is Aigerim apa. She is a cleaner. He works at school. She works hard. The school is big.

Look! What’s this? It’s rubbish. Children, don’t throw rubbish.

  1. Explaining the Grammar: Present Simple Tense


Болымды түрі Болымсыз түрі

I work at school. I don’t work

You work at school. You don’t work

He, She works at school. He, she doesn’t work

We work at school We don’t work

They work at school. They don’t work

  1. Practice: Finish the sentences. Use the verbs from the box. Ex 2,p23

Work, like, help (2x), play

  1. I ________ at school. I’m a teacher.

  2. He ______ plane. He’s a pilot.

  3. She _____children. She’ a doctor.

  4. They ____ the piano. They’re pianists .

  5. We _______ animals. We’re vets.


They are=they’re we are=we’re

  1. Let’s have rest.

Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Hop! Hop! Hop! Stop! Stand still!

  1. Phonics. Sh

Rubbish, shoes, shelf, T-shirt, sheep

  1. Evaluation. Today we have learned some verbs and read the text.

Your marks are…

Giving home tasks: ex2, p18 Put the verbs into the correct form.

ex4 ,p19 Put the words in order.

Lesson 9 Date: Grade: 2a

Lesson theme: Let’s play

Objects: To review vocabulary and grammar of two units. Check children’s knowledge of the two units.

Materials: English book for 2nd grade, student’s book

Type of lesson: Revision

Procedure of Lesson:

  1. Org Moment.

  2. Checking up the homework: their homework is ex2,4, p18-19

  3. Students divided into 2 groups and play. Group A

  1. Answer:

What’s your name?

  1. What holiday is it? (Victory day)

  2. What’s this? (cake)

  3. Finish the sentence: At Easter we colour _____ (egg)

  4. Translate: My father is a taxi-driver.

  5. Say: It’s a ____. (clown)

  6. Complete: He _____at school. (work)

  7. Find a mistake: He are a cook.

  8. Say it in English. (Don’t through rubbish)

  9. Complete: I want to be a _____.

Group B

  1. Answer:

How old are you?

  1. What holiday is it? (The day of Astana)

  2. What’s this? (balloon)

  3. Finish the sentence: At New Year we give _____ (presents)

  4. Translate: My mother is a pianist.

  5. Say: It’s a ____. (policeman)

  6. Complete: My mother ____ animals. ( Help)

  7. Find a mistake: They is sellers.

  8. Say it in English. (Don’t through an ice- cream)

  9. Complete: I want to be a _____.

  1. Let’s have rest.

Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Hop! Hop! Hop! Stop! Stand still!

  1. Progress test 1

  1. Listen .Put the sentences in order you hear them.

This is my mother.

This is my sister. 1

This is my brother.

This is my father.

This is my grandfather.

This is my grandmother.

  1. Match the phrases.

  1. Good morning. A) I’m 7

  2. How old are you? B) Hello

  3. What’s your name? C) My name is Olga.

  4. Who is she? D) I’m fine.

  5. How are you? E) She is my grandmother.

  1. Circle the right answer.

Easter Nauryz Queen’s birthday Christmas

Day of Astana Mother’s Day New Year Victory Day

  1. Find the right picture.

  1. She is a teacher. She works at school. B)

  2. He is a pilot. He loves planes.

  3. This is a doctor. He helps people.

  4. He is a vet. He likes animals.

  1. Unscramble the words.

Icty (city ) alloonb (balloon) piupl ( pupil) sentpre ( present) caek ( cake) lowef ( flower)

  1. Evaluation. Today we had a review.

Your marks are…

Giving home tasks: review

Lesson 10 Date: Grade: 2a

Lesson theme: Appearance. My body

Objects: SWBAT learn to name body parts.

Materials: English book for 2nd grade, student’s book

Type of lesson: New lesson

Procedure of Lesson:

  1. Org Moment.

  2. Checking up the homework: their homework is doing tests

  3. Phonetic drill.

One, one, one

Little dog run!

Two, two, two

Cats see you!

Three, three, three

Birds in the tree!

Four, four, four

Rats on the floor!

  1. Presentation of lesson. Today we will learn how to name our body part. So the theme of our lesson is “ My body”

  2. Listen and learn new words.

A head- бас

A shoulder- иық

A hand- қол

A knee- тізе

A leg- аяқ

A toe-башпай

And read these words and write down into your copy-book.

  1. Now remember!

This is a toe. These are toes

This is a shoulder. These are shoulders

This is a knee. These are knees

  1. Practice. Activity with picture. Ex 2, p27. Say. This is a ….. These are …….

  2. Remember! And write down into your copy- book.

Left hand- сол қол

Right hand- оң қол

  1. Let’s have a rest. Sing a song “Head and shoulders”

  2. Workbook activity.

Ex1, p22. Name the body parts. Write

Ex2, p22. Complete the sentence.

Ex 3, p23 .Guess the body part. Write and match.

Rdholesu ,gle , anhd, nkee, oet , ehad

Ex 4, p23 left or right.

  1. Evaluation . Today you have learned how to name your body part and you worked very hard. Your marks are…

  2. Giving homework: learn new words and do ex 5, p23

Lesson 17 Date: Grade: 2a

Lesson theme: Sport

Objects: SWBAT learn new words related to sport.

To develop students listening , reading, speaking and writing skills.

Materials: English book for 2nd grade of Rakhymzhanova S.D, Volkova A.S , student’s book, CD, pictures

Type of lesson: New lesson

Procedure of Lesson:

  1. Org Moment.


  • Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.

  • Good morning , good morning ,I’m glad to see you!


  • Good morning, good morning we are glad to see you!

  • How are you?

  • We are fine!

  1. Warm – up. Teacher: Now stand up! Let’s make morning exercises!

Hands up,

Hand down.

Hop, hop.

Turn around

Bend left, bend right.

Turn around and sit down.

  1. Presentation of new words. Teacher: Dear pupils! Look at the picture, listen and repeat after me.

  • Football. It is football

  • Basketball. It is basketball.

  • Hockey. It is hockey.

  • Skating. It is skating.

( Балалардың түсінген түсінбегенін флеш-картаны көрсетіп,суретте бейнеленбеген өзге затты атайды.Оқушылар жауап береді: Yes/No)

  • It’s a football. Yes. It is. - It’s a hockey. Yes. It is

  • It’s a basketball. No, it isn’t. - It’s a skating. No. It isn’t.

  1. Phonetic drill:

Ck- ck-ck- hockey- duck- black-sock

Ck-ck-ck-The boys back is black.

  1. Listening and singing activity ex2, p40

Football ,football .

I like football !I like football!

Sport is great!

Skating, skating.

I like skating! I like skating!

Sport is great!

  1. Listening and reading activity ex 3 p40

I like hockey but I don’t like football.

I like skating but I don’t like hockey.

I like basketball but I don’t like football.

I like football but I don’t like basketball.

  1. Presentation of Grammar.

Present Simple- Осы шақ

Болымды түрі
















Болымсыз түрі

do not

( don’t)









does not







  1. Practice . Read and tell your classmates about yourself. ex4,p41

I’m Aibek. I’m 8 years old. I’m a boy. I like hockey but I don’t like basketball.

I’m Dilara. I’m 9 years old. I’m a girl. I like skating but I don’t like football.

  1. Writing activity from workbook .

Ex2 p36.Finish the sentences and write.

  1. My name….

I’m … years old.

I like….

  1. I’m …

I’m …years old.

I like…

  1. My name is …

I’m …years old.

I like…

Ex 3,p37. Complete: Like/don’t like

  1. I …hockey but I ……football.

  2. I …skating but I ……hockey.

  3. I …basketball but I ……football.

  1. Evaluation .T: Pupils, we have done a lot of work today. You were very active at the lesson. I’m very pleased with your English. Your home tasks are ex 1,4,5. p36-37, to remember new words.

  2. Giving marks: I will put your marks…

The lesson is over.Goodbye!

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Lesson 10                                 Date:                                              Grade: 2a

Lesson theme:  Appearance.  My body

Objects:  SWBAT learn to name body parts.

Materials: English book for 2nd grade, student’s book 

Type of lesson: New lesson

Procedure of Lesson:

  1. Org Moment.

  2. Checking up the homework:  their homework is doing tests

  3. Phonetic drill.

    One, one, one

    Little dog run!

    Two, two, two

    Cats see you!

    Three, three, three

    Birds in the tree!

    Four, four, four

    Rats on the floor!

  4. Presentation of lesson. Today we will learn how to name our body part. So the theme of our lesson is “ My body”

  5. Listen and learn new words.

    A head- бас

    A shoulder- иық

    A hand- қол

    A knee- тізе

    A leg- аяқ

    A toe-башпай

    And read these words and write down into your copy-book.

  6. Now remember!

    This is a toe. These are toes

    This is a shoulder. These are shoulders

    This is a knee. These are knees

  7. Practice. Activity with picture. Ex 2, p27. Say. This is a ….. These are …….

  8. Remember!And write down into your copy- book.

    Left hand- сол қол

    Right hand- оң қол

  9. Let’s have a rest. Sing a song “Head and shoulders”

  10. Workbook activity.

    Ex1, p22. Name the body parts. Write

    Ex2, p22. Complete the sentence.

    Ex 3, p23 .Guess the body part. Write and match.

    Rdholesu  ,gle , anhd, nkee, oet , ehad

    Ex 4, p23 left or right.

  11. Evaluation . Today you have learned how to name your body part and you worked very hard. Your marks are…

  12. Giving homework: learn new words and do ex 5, p23


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