Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыКомплект контрольно-измерительных материалов учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык Основной образовательной программы По направлениям специальности: 13.02.11 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по о

Комплект контрольно-измерительных материалов учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык Основной образовательной программы По направлениям специальности: 13.02.11 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по о

Скачать материал

Департамент образования и науки Кемеровской области

Государственное образовательное учреждение

среднего профессионального образования

«Сибирский политехнический техникум»










контрольно-измерительных материалов

учебной дисциплины

Иностранный язык

Основной образовательной программы

По направлениям  специальности:

13.02.11 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по отраслям)






















Волощенко Мария Анатольевна, преподаватель английского и немецкого языка ГОУ СПО «Сибирский политехнический техникум»,


Рассмотрен и одобрен

на заседании ЦМК _______________________________________________

Протокол № ____ от


Заместитель директора по УР

«___» ___________ 201__ г.


__________________ /______________

Председатель ЦМК:


«___» ___________ 201__ г.

__________ /_____________



1. Общие положения

Контрольно-измерительные материалы (КИМ) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины иностранный язык.

КИМ включают контрольные материалы для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачёта

КИМ разработаны на основании положений:

- «Рекомендации по реализации образовательной программы среднего (полного) общего образования в образовательных учреждениях начального профессионального образования в соответствии с федеральным базисным учебным планом и примерными учебными планами для образовательных учреждений Российской Федерации, реализующих программы общего образования» (письмо Департамента государственной политики и нормативно-правового регулирования в сфере образования Минобрнауки России от 29.05.2007 №03 – 1180) иностранный язык в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования (далее – СПО) изучается с учётом профиля получаемого профессионального образования по специальности:

13.02.11 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по отраслям);

- программы учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык».


2. Результаты освоения дисциплины, подлежащие проверке


Результаты обучения (освоенные умения, усвоенные знания)

освоенные умения

У1. Чтение

У2. Перевод текстов со словарём

У3. Аудирование

У4.  Диалогическая речь

У5.  Письменная речь

У6.  Монологическая речь

усвоенные знания

З1. Лексические единицы по теме

З2. Грамматические структуры

З3. Фонетические правила




3. Распределение оценивания результатов обучения по видам контроля


Наименование элемента умений или знаний

Виды аттестации

Текущий контроль

Промежуточная аттестация


У 1. Чтение

Устный опрос

Тестовое задание, собеседование, грамматический практикум

У2. Перевод текстов со словарём

перевода текста, словарная работа

У3. Аудирование


У4. Диалогическая речь

Устный опрос

У5. Письменная речь

Тестовое задание, контрольная работа

У6. Монологическая речь

Устный опрос, защита проекта

З1. Лексические единицы по теме

Словарная работа

З2. Грамматические структуры

Тестовое задание, грамматический практикум, контрольная работа

З3. Фонетические правила

Собеседование, устный опрос


4. Распределение типов контрольных заданий по элементам знаний и умений.


учебного материала

по программе УД

Тип контрольного задания










Раздел 1. Тема 1.1. Знакомство. Порядок слов в предложении

Устный опрос

Л/Г упр.

Устный опрос


Словарная работа



Устный опрос



Устный опрос


Раздел 1. Тема 1.2. Моя биография. Наклонение.

Список лексики

Л/Г упр.


Устный опрос

Словарная работа






Раздел 1. Тема 1.3. Описание внешности. Местоимения.

Список лексики

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа



Устный опрос

Устный опрос


Раздел 2. Тема 2.1. Времена года и погода. Числительные.

Список лексики

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос


Перевод текста






Раздел 2. Тема 2.2. Календарь и погода. Существительное.

Устный опрос

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа



Устный опрос

Устный опрос


Раздел 2. Тема 2.3. Погода в Великобритании/ Герамнии. Множественное число существительных.

Устный опрос

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Перевод текста




Устный опрос


Раздел 3 тема 3.1. Распорядок дня. Артикль.

Список лексики

Л\Г упр.



Словарная работа





Раздел 3. Тема 3.2. Рабочий день студента. Артикли с географическими названиями.

Вопросы к тексту

Л\Г упр.


Устный опрос

Перевод текста



Устный опрос



Раздел 3. Тема 3.3. Грамматический практикум. «Артикль»

Л\Г упр.










Раздел 4. Тема 4.1. Досуг. Прилагательное.

Список лексики

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа






Раздел 4. Тема 4.2. Мой выходной день. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

Вопросы л тексту

Л\Г упр.


Устный опрос

Перевод текста



Устный опрос



Раздел 4;Тема 4.3. Путешествия. Предлоги места, направления, времени.

Вопросы к тексту

Л\Г упр.


Устный опрос

Перевод текста






Раздел 5. Тема 5.1. Дом, в котором я живу. Видовременные формы глагола. Настоящее время.

Список лексики

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа



Устный опрос



Раздел 5. Тема 5.2. Моя квартира. Монологическое высказывание. Видовременные формы глагола. Прошедшее время.

Устный опрос

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос






Устный опрос


Раздел 5. Тема 5.3. Видовременные формы глагола. Будущее время.

Л\Г упр.

Л\Г упр.






л\г упр



Раздел 5. Тема 5.4. Грамматический практикум «Видовременные формы глагола. Действительный залог»











Раздел 6. Тема 6.1. Образование. Лексическая работа. Действительный залог.

Список лексики

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа






Раздел 6. Тема 6.2. Возможность получения образования в России. Работа с текстом.

Вопросы к тексту



Устный опрос

Перевод текста






Раздел 6. Тема 6.3. Возможность получения образования в Кузбассе. Монологическая речь

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Устный опрос






Устный опрос


Раздел 7. Тема 7.1. Мой техникум. Модальные глаголы.

Список лексики

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа






Раздел 7. Тема 7.2. Моя будущая специальность. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

Устный опрос

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Перевод текста



Устный опрос

Устный опрос


Раздел 7. Тема 7.3. Грамматический практикум: «Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты»











Раздел 8. Тема 8.1. Компетентности будущего специалиста. Лексическая работа.

Список лексики


Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа






Раздел 8.Тема 8.2. Требования к современному специалисту. Работа с текстом.

Вопросы по тексту

Вопросы по тексту

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Перевод текста



Устный опрос



Раздел 8. Тема 8.3. Страдательный залог. Настоящее время.

Л\Г упр.

Л\Г упр.






л\г упр.



Раздел 8. Тема 8.4. Возможность трудоустройства в Кузбассе. Дискуссия. Просмотр фильма.



Устный опрос





Устный опрос

Устный опрос


Раздел 9. Тема 9.1. Спорт. Лексическая работа. Страдательный залог. Прошедшее время.

Список лексики

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа






Раздел  9. Тема 9.2. Спорт в нашей жизни. Работа с текстом.

Устный опрос

Вопросы по тексту

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа






Раздел 9. Тема 9. 3. Спорт в Великобритании \Германии. Страдательный залог. Прошедшее время.


Л\Г упр.


Устный опрос

Перевод текста



Устный опрос



Раздел 10. Тема 10.1. Человек и природа. Лексическая работа. Страдательный залог. Будущее время.

Список лексики

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа






Раздел 10. Тема 10.2. Защита окружающей среды. Грамматический практикум: «Страдательный залог»

Вопросы л тексту











Раздел 10. Тема 10.3. Человек и научно-технический прогресс. Неличные формы глагола.

Устный опрос

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Перевод текс та



Устный опрос

Устный опрос


Раздел 10. Тема 10.4. Грамматический практикум «Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив. Причастие.»











Раздел 11. Тема 121.1. Культура. Работа с лексикой и с текстом.

Список лексики

Вопросы по тексту

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Перевод текста






Раздел 11. Тема 11.2. СМИ. Работа с текстом. Инфинитивные обороты.

Вопросы по тексту

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Перевод текста



Устный опрос



Раздел 12. Тема 12.1. Проблемы молодёжи. Сложноподчинённые предложения. Виды придаточных.

Устный опрос

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа




Устный опрос


Раздел 12. Тема 12.2. Проблемы молодёжи Кузбасса. Работа с текстом.

Вопросы по тексту

Вопросы по тексту


Устный опрос

Перевод текста



Устный опрос



Раздел 12. Тема 12.3. Книги в моей жизни. Сослагательное наклонение.

Устный опрос

Л\Г упр.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Словарная работа




Устный опрос


Раздел 12. Тема 12.4. Собеседование по изученному лексико-грамматическому материалу.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос

Устный опрос





Устный опрос

Устный опрос



5. Распределение типов и количества контрольных заданий по элементам знаний и умений, контролируемых на промежуточной аттестации.


учебного материала

по программе УД

Тип контрольного задания










Раздел 1. Тема 1.1. Знакомство. Порядок слов в предложении










Устный опрос



Раздел 1. Тема 1.2. Моя биография. Наклонение.










Раздел 1. Тема 1.3. Описание внешности. Местоимения.

Список лексики



Устный опрос

Перевод текста





Письм. перевод

Устный опрос


Раздел 2. Тема 2.1. Времена года и погода. Числительные.




Устный опрос

Перевод текста





Письм. перевод

Устный опрос


Раздел 2. Тема 2.2. Календарь и погода. Существительное.










Раздел 2. Тема 2.3. Погода в Великобритании/ Герамнии. Множественное число существительных.










Раздел 3 тема 3.1. Распорядок дня. Артикль.










Раздел 3. Тема 3.2. Рабочий день студента. Артикли с географическими названиями.

Список лексики



Устный опрос

Перевод текста





Письм. перевод

Устный опрос


Раздел 3. Тема 3.3. Грамматический практикум. «Артикль»










Раздел 4. Тема 4.1. Досуг. Прилагательное.

Список лексики









Раздел 4. Тема 4.2. Мой выходной день. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.










Раздел 4;Тема 4.3. Путешествия. Предлоги места, направления, времени.




Устный опрос

Перевод текста





Письм. перевод

Устный опрос


Раздел 5. Тема 5.1. Дом, в котором я живу. Видовременные формы глагола. Настоящее время.










Раздел 5. Тема 5.2. Моя квартира. Монологическое высказывание. Видовременные формы глагола. Прошедшее время.




Устный опрос

Перевод текста





Письм. перевод

Устный опрос


Раздел 5. Тема 5.3. Видовременные формы глагола. Будущее время.










Раздел 5. Тема 5.4. Грамматический практикум «Видовременные формы глагола. Действительный залог»










Раздел 6. Тема 6.1. Образование. Лексическая работа. Действительный залог.

Список лексики









Устный опрос


Раздел 6. Тема 6.2. Возможность получения образования в России. Работа с текстом.










Раздел 6. Тема 6.3. Возможность получения образования в Кузбассе. Монологическая речь




Устный опрос

Перевод текста





Письм. перевод

Устный опрос


Раздел 7. Тема 7.1. Мой техникум. Модальные глаголы.










Раздел 7. Тема 7.2. Моя будущая специальность. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.










Раздел 7. Тема 7.3. Грамматический практикум: «Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты»










Раздел 8. Тема 8.1. Компетентности будущего специалиста. Лексическая работа.

Список лексики









Устный опрос


Раздел 8.Тема 8.2. Требования к современному специалисту. Работа с текстом.










Раздел 8. Тема 8.3. Страдательный залог. Настоящее время.










Раздел 8. Тема 8.4. Возможность трудоустройства в Кузбассе. Дискуссия. Просмотр фильма.




Устный опрос

Перевод текста





Письм. перевод

Устный опрос


Раздел 9. Тема 9.1. Спорт. Лексическая работа. Страдательный залог. Прошедшее время.

Список лексики









Устный опрос


Раздел  9. Тема 9.2. Спорт в нашей жизни. Работа с текстом.




Устный опрос

Перевод текста





Письм. перевод

Устный опрос


Раздел 9. Тема 9. 3. Спорт в Великобритании \Германии. Страдательный залог. Прошедшее время.











Раздел 10. Тема 10.1. Человек и природа. Лексическая работа. Страдательный залог. Будущее время.

Список лексики









Устный опрос


Раздел 10. Тема 10.2. Защита окружающей среды. Страдательный залог. Грамматический практикум.











Раздел 10. Тема 10.3. Человек и научно-технический прогресс. Неличные формы глагола.








Письм. перевод



Раздел 10. Тема 10.4. Грамматический практикум «Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив. Причастие.»











Раздел 11. Тема 11.1. Культура. Работа с лексикой и с текстом.

Список лексики




Перевод текста





Устный опрос


Разщел 11. Тема 11.2. СМИ. Работа с текстом. Инфинитивные обороты.








Письм. перевод



Раздел 12. Тема 12.1. Проблемы молодёжи. Сложноподчинённые предложения. Виды придаточных.

Список лексики









Раздел 12. Тема 12.2. Проблемы молодёжи Кузбасса.








Письм. перевод



Раздел 12. Тема 12.3. Книги в моей жизни. Сослагательное наклонение.





Перевод текста





Устный опрос


Раздел 12. Тема 12.4. Собеседование по изученному лексико-грамматическому материалу.

Устный опрос

Устный опрос





Устный опрос



Устный опрос


6. Структура контрольного задания

6.1. Текст задания

Английский язык


Раздел 1. Тема 1.1.Знакомство.

Answer the questions

1.      What is your name?

2.      Where and when were you born?

3.      How old are you?

4.      Where do you live?

5.      Have you got a1 family?

6.      How large is your family?

7.      Do you have brothers, sisters, grandparents in your family?

8.      What are your father and mother?

9.      How many rooms are there in your flat?

10.    What modern conveniences have you got in your flat?

11.    What are your duties about the house?

12.    What is your favourite subject at the college?

13.    What books do you like to read?

14.    What music do you like to listen to?

15.    Do you go in for sports?

16.    What sport do you go in for?


Раздел 1. Тема 1.2. Моя биография

List of words

1.     greeting

2.     my name is…

3.     my age is…

4.     let me introduce

5.     family

6.     friend

7.     hobby

8.     occupation

9.     favourite

10. school subject

11. to go in for sport

12. to prefer

13. to spend time

14. to go for a walk

15. to discuss problems

16. to interested in

17. to make plans for future

18. to do well

19. to try

20. to be fond of …


Раздел 1. Тема 1.3. Описание внешности

List of words

1.     appearance  

2.     former

3.     classmates

4.     strong

5.     to study hard

6.     grateful

7.     dark-brown

8.     diligent

9.     especially

10. tall straight

11. to move

12. in common

13. same

14. both

15. intelligent

16. well-read

17. honest

18. kind

19. fully

20.  to rely

21. to trust

22.  sense

23. blonde

24. slim

25. pretty

26. hair

27. complexion

28. faithful


Раздел 2. Тема 2.1. Времена года и погода.

List of words

1.  season

2.  each

3.  to last

4.  in the open

5. fruit

6.  vegetables

7.  ripe

8. still

 9. warm

10. cold

11.  to fall

12.  to cover ^

13. frozen

14.  to set

15. to rise

16.  to decorate

17.  the leaves-

18. the sky

19. the sun

20. river


Раздел 2. Тема 2.2. Календарь и погода.

Answer the questions

1.      How many seasons are there in a year?

2.      Do people try to spend more time in the open air in slimmer?

3.      Why do we like spring so much? ■

4.      Is summer the best season for tourism?

5.      Where did you go last summer?

6.      What is the weather Kite in winter?

7.      Do you like winter? Why?

8.      Do you go in for skating or skiing in winter?

9.      What do you usually do when the weather is bad in autumn and winter?

10.    What is good and what is bad in each season?

11.    Why do most people prefer summer to any other season of the year?

12.    What is your favourite season?

13.    What are the hottest and the coldest seasons in our country?

Раздел 2. Тема 2.3. Погода в Великобритании

Answer the questions

1.      Is the weather in England very changeable?

2.      How often does it rain in England?

3.      What do Englishmen often say to describe the weather of their country?

4.      Englishmen often talk about weather. Do you find this topic of conversation interesting?

5.      What is the worst time of the year in England?

6.      When do Englishmen prefer to stay at home by the big fire?

7.      How do the English spend their short English summer?

8.      What are London smogs?

9.      What kind of weather do you like best of all?

10.    Which do you like better: when it’s cold or hot?

11.    What is the weather like today?

12.    What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

13.    What is the weather like in your town in winter (summer, autumn, spring)?


Раздел 3. Тема 3.1. Распорядок дня.

List of words

1.     to get up

2.     wake up

3.     to do ones bed

4.     to do morning exercise

5.     to wash oneself

6.     to have a cup of tea

7.     to do well

8.     to go to the college

9.     it takes me some minutes to get to the college

10. to have lessons

11. canteen

12. to go to the library

13. to do home task

14. to make a report

15. to work on the computer


Раздел 3. Тема 3.2. Рабочий день студента.

Answer the questions

1.      When do you usually get up on your working day?

2.      What do you do in the morning when you get up?

3.      What do you have for breakfast?

4.      How much time does it take you to get to your school?

5.      Do you have dinner at home or at the school canteen?

6.      What do you usually have for dinner?

7.      Do you often go to the library?

8.      When does your family have supper?

9.      Do you go in for sports?

10.    When do you usually go to bed?


Раздел 3. Тема 3.3. Грамматический практикум. Артикль.

1 вариант

1.Выберите артикль: а)a  b)an  c)the  d)…

1. USA                                    6. Atlantic Ocean        

2. Alps                                     7. I’m … student.

3. Africa                                   8. We have got … car.

4. East                                      9. … children like sweets.

5. Kemerovo                           10. … coffee is cold.

2 вариант

1.Выберите артикль: а)a  b)an  c)the  d)…

1. Russia                                    6. Pacific Ocean

2. London                                  7. . He has got … computer

3. Australia                                8….boys like to play basketball.

4. West                                       9. Look at … picture

5.  Ob                                         10. He has got … computer.

3 вариант

1.Выберите артикль: а)a  b)an  c)the  d)…

1. Ukraine                                   6.British Isles

2. New York                               7. I’ve got …large family.

3. Europe                                    8. My brother is … doctor.

4. South                                      9. Bob is … English boy.

5.  Urals                                    10. We buy … bread every day

4 вариант

1.Выберите артикль: а)a  b)an  c)the  d)…

1. Canada                                                   6. Black Sea

2.  Moscow                                                7. My Mum is … teacher.

3.  Africa                                                    8. We have bought … new house.

4. North                                                      9. I don’t like … milk.

5.  Volga                                                    10. Lena is … Russian girl.


5 вариант

1.Выберите артикль: а)a  b)an  c)the  d)…

 1. Ukraine                                                6.British Isles

2. New York                                             7. My Mum is … teacher.

3.  Africa                                                   8. We have bought … new house.

4. North                                                     9. I don’t like … milk.

5.  Ob                                                       10. He has got … computer.

6 вариант

1.Выберите артикль: а)a  b)an  c)the  d)…

1. Russia                                    6. Pacific Ocean

2. London                                  7. . He has got … computer

3. Europe                                   8. My brother is … doctor.

4. South                                      9. Bob is … English boy.

5. West                                      10. Look at … picture


Раздел 4. Тема 4.1. Досуг. Прилагательное.

List of words

1.     day off

2.     free time

3.     weekend

4.     later than usually

5.     to help mother about the house

6.     to meet friends

7.     to do shopping

8.     to have supper together

9.     to watch TV

10. to listen to the music

11. to play computer games

12. to go to the cinema (theatre)

13. to cook something tasty

14. to go to bed

15.  to sleep


Раздел 4. Тема 4.2. Мой выходной день.

Answer the questions

1.      What days of the week do you like and why?

2.      What time do you get up on Sunday?

3.      What do you do in the morning?

4.      How do you usually spend your days off?

5.      Do you often go to the country on your lays off?

6.      How did you spend your last Sunday?

7.      Do you go shopping?

8.      D° you go in for sports on Sunday?

9.      Do you often go to see your friends?

10.    Do you like to spend your days off with your friends or with your parents? ■

12.    What is your hobby?

13.    What books do you like to read?

14.    Do your guests often come to you on Sunday?


Раздел 4. Тема 4.3. Путешествие

Answer the questions

1. Do you think modern life is impossible without travelling?

2. Why do people travel?

3. What are the means of travelling?

4. How do you prefer to travel and why?

5. What is the fastest kind of travelling?


Раздел 5. Тема 5.1. Дом, в котором я живу. Описание квартиры.

List of words

1.     Flat

2.     Apartment

3.     House

4.     To live

5.     Comfortable

6.     Convenient

7.     Tidy

8.     To clean the room

9.     To vacuum the floor

10. To wash up

11. To water the flowers

12.  Living – room

13.  Bedroom

14.  Bathroom

15. Kitchen

16. Hall

17. Lavatory

18. Unit furniture

19. Sofa

20. Armchair

21. Table

22. In the corner

23. Picture

24. Mirror

25. Cupboard

Видовременные формы глагола. Настоящее время.

Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple. Обратите внимание на то, что не все предложения являются утвердительными:

 1. She never (to worry) about anything.

It often (to snow) in winter here.

She (to paint) fully for pleasure, not because she (to want) to make money out of it.

It (to be) difficult to write business letters?

They (to get in touch) with clients by post.

You (to find) it difficult to meet new people?

 Поставьте глаголы в Present simple или Present Continuous.

It (to snow) outside. It (to come) down quite hard, look.

The sun (to rise) in the east.

These shoes (to belong) to you?

Why you (to look) at me like that?

She (not to take) dancing classes this winter.

The climate (to get) warmer.

Закончите по смыслу диалог, используя временную форму The Present Perfect и глаголы: To drive, to have, to be. Переведите его.

Why are you nervous?

Because it’s the first time I … on the left.

Is this your first time in England?

No, it is the second time I … here.

Are you enjoying it?

Yes, it is the best holiday I … .

Поставьте глаголы в нужную временную форму Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous:

I can’t open the door. It seems to me I (to loose) my key.

I wonder if anything (to happen) to Chris.

I (to laugh) to tears over this clip

This woman (to live) next door for quite a long time.

Why you (not to bring) me the letters for signature?

You (to paint) for a whole day?


Раздел 5. Тема 5.2. Моя квартира.

Answer the questions

1.     Where do you live?

2.     How many rooms does your flat consist of?

3.     Have you got your own room? Describe it.

4.     Do you clean the room?

5.     Do you help your mother about the house?


Видовременные формы глагола. Прошедшее время.

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя простое прошедшее время:

Я чувствовал себя очень счастливым в те дни.

Когда я был ребенком, я обычно ложился спать в 9.

Он никогда не жил в Париже.

Он не играл на гитаре, он играл на пианино.

Том закончил школу?

Раскройте скобки, используя Past Simple либо Past Continuous:

I (not to drive) very fast when the accident (happen).

You (to watch) TV yesterday night?

He (to garden) all weekend.

Tom (to take) a photograph of me while I (not to look).

I (to break) a dish last night.

"Was Tom at the party when you arrived?" "No, he (to go) home."

After he (to finish) breakfast he sat down to write some letters.

The game (to begin) when it started to rain?

I (not to opened) the door before he returned .

I was sure they (to know) each other since childhood.

Выберите нужную временную форму глагола:

They felt exhausted that morning because they (drove/had been driving) all night long.

The village (was deserted/had been deserted) for years when we first visited it.

She understood the company’s problems because she (worked/had been working) there since it started.

She was upset because (she lost/had lost) her umbrella.

When she was young she (danced/had danced) a lot.



Раздел 5. Тема 5.3. Видовременные формы глагола. Будущее время.

Переведите предложения на английский, используя форму будущего простого времени:

 – Мой чемодан очень тяжелый!

– Не переживай! Я его поднесу!

 Я сделаю это только для тебя.

 Вы не закроете окно? Очень холодно!

 Я сегодня не выйду.

 Через несколько дней наступит зима.


Выберите нужную временную форму глагола:


The children (will sleep/will be sleeping) by then.

When I return will you (wait/be waiting) for me?

She will not (visit/will not be visiting) us.

At this time tomorrow I (will prepare/will be preparing) for the seminar.

You (will get/will be getting) the money upon arrival.

They (to complete) the new bridge by the end of the year.

By the end of this week I (to wait) seventeen weeks for my phone to be repaired.

Do you realize that on August 15 we (to live) in this house for fifty years?

I hope I (to finish) this report by the end of the day.

She (to leave) before the children get home from school.


Раздел 5. Тема 5. 4. Грамматический практикум. Видовременные формы глагола.

Тест по теме "Present Tenses"

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.

1 вариант

1.  As far as I know Mike ..... Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much. 

     is learning

     has been learning

     has learnt


  2.  Their car is as good as new though they ..... it for a number of years. 


     have been having

     are having

     have had

  3.  Who ..... my newspaper? It was on my desk a minute ago. 

     has taken

     have taken



  4.  Look here! I simply refuse to believe what you ..... me now. 

     are telling

     have been telling

     have told


  5.  My cousin Jake has got a lot of books, most of which he ..... . 

     doesn’t read

     hasn’t been reading

     hasn’t read

     isn’t reading

  6.  Sara, my next door neighbor, has a car, but she ..... it very often. 

     doesn’t use

     isn’t using

     hasn’t used

     hasn’t been using

  7.  Carol and I are old friends. I ..... her since we studied in high school together. 


     have known

     are knowing

     have been knowing

  8.  You may take this magazine. I ..... through it already. 


     have looked

     am looking

     have been looking

  9.  - Hello! May I speak to John, please? - Sorry, he is out. He has gone to the library. He ..... for his History exam there. 

     has been reading

     is reading


     has read

  10.  My mother is a medical nurse; she takes care of sick and old people. What ..... for a living? 

     does your mother do

     is your mother doing

     has your mother done

     has your mother been doing

  11.  It's raining, and I see you don't have an umbrella. You can borrow mine, I ..... it now. 

     don’t need

     did not need

     haven’t needed

     haven’t been needing

  12.  Anne is a fashion designer; she ..... to the opening of every new fashion show in the city. 


     is going

     has gone

     has been going

  13.  Sonia ..... as a computer programmer this year, but she’d like to try something different in the future. 


     has worked

     is working

     has been working

  14.  Peter and Mary ..... on the platform. They have been waiting for their train for half an hour. 

     have been standing

     are standing


     have stood

  15.  You do not hear what I am saying because you ..... very absent-minded today. 



     are being

     have been

2 вариант

1.  ..... you a ride home yet since he started working in your department? 

     Has Sam been giving

     Does Sam give

     Is Sam giving

     Has Sam given

  2.  Linda’s apartment looks nice and tidy because she ..... it every two years. 

     Redecorates                              has been redecorating    

     is redecorating                                      has redecorated

       3.  Be careful with paint. It ..... a certain amount of lead. 


     is containing

     has contained


  4.  Jerry promised to come to work in time. He is not here, and he even ..... . 

     isn’t calling

     hasn't called

     hasn't been calling

     doesn’t call

  5.  - What are you looking for? - I ..... my umbrella somewhere, and now I don’t know where it is. 


     has left

     have been leaving

     have left

  6.  Their car is as good as new though they ..... it for a number of years. 


     have been having

     are having

     have had

  7.  Excuse me I ..... a public telephone. Is there one near here? 

     have been looking for

     have looked for

     look for

     am looking for

  8.  Paul looks young for his age. He says he is 56 years old, but nobody ..... him. 

     hasn’t believed

     is not believing



  9.  Carol and I are old friends. I ..... her since we studied in high school together. 


     have known

     are knowing                       have been knowing

       10.  You do not hear what I am saying because you ..... very absent-minded today. 



     are being

     have been

  11.  I have read this chapter in my chemistry text three times, and still I ..... it. 

     haven’t understood

     don’t understand


     have understood

  12.  David is quite an athlete. He wants to be strong and healthy that’s why he ..... every morning. 

     is jogging

     has jogged


     has been jogging

  13.  As far as I know Mike ..... Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much. 

     is learning

     has been learning

     has learnt


  14.  I am sorry Ann can’t come to the phone right now because she ..... a shower. 

     is taking

     has taken


     has been taking

  15.  I have found a good job. It's in Brazil. I ..... to go to Brazil. I don't like living in cold climates. 

     have always wanted

     always wanted


     is wanting

3 вариант

1.  Carol and I are old friends. I ..... her since we studied in high school together. 


     have known

     are knowing

     have been knowing

  2.  I am tired. We ..... for more than an hour. Let’s stop and rest for a while. 

     have been walking

     are walking


     have walked

  3.  Today the world ..... so rapidly; things never stay the same. 


     has changed

     is changing

     has been changing

  4.  My mother is a medical nurse; she takes care of sick and old people. What ..... for a living? 

     does your mother do

     is your mother doing

     has your mother done

     has your mother been doing

  5.  The government is worried because the number of people without jobs ..... . 


     has increased

     is increasing

     has been increasing

  6.  I have read this chapter in my chemistry text three times, and still I ..... it. 

     haven’t understood

     don’t understand


     have understood

  7.  I ..... Mario for some time since he left Milan a few years ago. 

     haven’t seen

     don’t see

     didn't see

     aren’t seeing

  8.  Jeremy ..... basketball this season; he wants to concentrate on his studies. 

     doesn’t play

     hasn’t been playing

     isn’t playing                             hasn’t played

  9.  David is quite an athlete. He wants to be strong and healthy that’s why he ..... every morning. 

     is jogging

     has jogged


     has been jogging

  10.  Who ..... my newspaper? It was on my desk a minute ago. 

     has taken

     have taken



  11.  It's raining, and I see you don't have an umbrella. You can borrow mine, I ..... it now. 

     don’t need

     did not need

     haven’t needed

     haven’t been needing

  12.  Zeta has sent me two letters; neither of which ..... . 

     has arrived

     have arrived


     is arriving

  13.  - Do you remember me? - Of course, I do. We ..... several times before. 

     have met



     have been meeting

  14.  My cousin Jake has got a lot of books, most of which he ..... . 

     doesn’t read

     hasn’t been reading

     hasn’t read

     isn’t reading

  15.  I have found a good job. It's in Brazil. I ..... to go to Brazil. I don't like living in cold climates. 

     have always wanted

     always wanted


     is wanting

4 вариант

1.  I am sorry Ann can’t come to the phone right now because she ..... a shower. 

     is taking

     has taken


     has been taking

  2.  As far as I know Mike ..... Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn’t understand very much. 

     is learning

     has been learning

     has learnt


  3.  Linda’s apartment looks nice and tidy because she ..... it every two years. 


     is redecorating

     has redecorated

     has been redecorating

  4.  I have just applied for a job in the local hospital, now I ... for an answer from them. 


     have been waiting

     have waited

     am waiting

  5.  Be careful with paint. It ..... a certain amount of lead. 


     is containing

     has contained


  6.  What ..... with yourself? There is mud all over you! 

     has you been doing

     are you doing

     did you do

     have you been doing

  7.  Excuse me I ..... a public telephone. Is there one near here? 

     have been looking for

     have looked for

     look for

     am looking for

  8.  - Hello! May I speak to John, please? - Sorry, he is out. He has gone to the library. He ..... for his History exam there. 

     has been reading

     is reading


     has read

  9.  Jake is a good footballer. Do you know since when ..... football? 

     he has been playing

     he plays

     has he been playing

     is he playing

  10.  I have found a good job. It's in Brazil. I ..... to go to Brazil. I don't like living in cold climates. 

     have always wanted

     always wanted


     is wanting

  11.  Jeremy ..... basketball this season; he wants to concentrate on his studies. 

     doesn’t play

     hasn’t been playing

     isn’t playing

     hasn’t played

  12.  Jack Strom has been a postman all his life; he ..... mail to homes and offices to the people of the town. 

     is delivering

     has delivered

     has been delivering


  13.  Sara, my next door neighbor, has a car, but she ..... it very often. 

     doesn’t use

     isn’t using

     hasn’t used

     hasn’t been using

  14.  Willy ..... from his Uncle Alex since the latter immigrated to Canada. 

     does not hear

     have not heard

     has not heard

     is not hearing


 15.  How long ..... Jerry? - But I don’t know him at all. I have never met him. 

     do you know

     have you known

     has you known

     did you know


Тест по  теме «Past Tenses»

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.

1 вариант

 1.  When I was young, I ..... that people over forty were very old. Now that I am forty myself I don’t think so. 


     used to think

     was thinking

     had thought

  2.  Mrs. Robson died in her sleep. Her doctor told me she ..... from a weak heart for some time. 

     was suffering

     had been suffering


     had suffered

  3.  I had a cup of tea for breakfast because I ..... of coffee. 

     had run out

     ran out

     was running out

     had been running out

  4.  Mrs. Smith was busy last weekend because her grandchildren ..... with her. 

     had been staying

     were staying


     had stayed

  5.  When I first ..... to England in 1938, I thought I knew English fairly well. 


     had come

     was coming

     had been coming

  6.  He had been away for many years and when he visited his native town, he saw that it ..... greatly. 


     was changing

     had been changing

     had changed

  7.  The trouble started when Mrs. Leslie Cady ..... control of her car on a narrow mountain road. 

     was losing


     had lost

     had been losing

  8.  While the kids ..... in the garden, their mother was hurriedly cooking dinner. 

     were playing


     had been playing

     had played

  9.  Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red. She ..... . 


     was crying

     had been crying

     had cried

  10.  Alan ..... out almost every day last year, but now he can’t afford it. 

     used to eat


     was eating

     had eaten

  11.  I didn’t see Linda last month because she ..... around Europe at that time. 


     was travelling

     had travelled

     had been travelling

  12.  Robert didn’t answer the phone when Mary called. He ..... a shower and didn’t hear the phone ring. 

     had been taking

     was taking

     had taken


  13.  Our neighbors called the police when they found out that somebody ..... into their house. 


     was breaking

     had broken

     had been breaking

  14.  Before Adam got married, he ..... hiking to the mountains every summer. Now he goes to the seaside with his wife. 


     would go

     had gone

     had been going

  15.  We ..... TV for ten minutes when the electricity went off. 


     were watching

     had watched

     had been watching

2 вариант

1.  I had a cup of tea for breakfast because I ..... of coffee. 

     had run out

     ran out

     was running out

     had been running out

  2.  I didn’t see Linda last month because she ..... around Europe at that time. 


     was travelling

     had travelled

     had been travelling

  3.  Greg didn’t want to be late for the theatre. He drove as fast as he could. The play ..... as he walked in the door of the theatre. 

     was just beginning

     had just began

     just began

     had been just beginning

  4.  A man once built a house and ..... his friends to visit him. 

     had invited

     was inviting


     had been inviting

  5.  Lucy ..... her seatbelt before the accident happened that’s why she was badly hurt. 

     didn’t wear

     wasn’t wearing

     hadn’t worn

     hadn’t been wearing

  6.  It wasn't raining when I left my office in the evening, but the ground was wet. It ..... all day. 

     had been raining


     was raining

     had rained

  7.  She was not interested in the book because she ..... it. 

     hadn’t understood

     didn’t understand

     wasn’t understanding

     hadn’t been understanding

  8.  When I was young, I ..... that people over forty were very old. Now that I am forty myself I don’t think so. 


     used to think

     was thinking

     had thought

  9.  He ..... ill for three days, so his mother wanted to bring him to a doctor, but he didn’t want to go. 

     had felt


     had been feeling

     was feeling

  10.  Mrs. Smith was busy last weekend because her grandchildren ..... with her. 

     had been staying

     were staying


     had stayed

  11.  I found the way to her house quite easily because Nora ..... it to me very well. 

     had been describing

     had described

     was describing


  12.  Our clothes were wet because we ..... in the rain. 

     had been walking

     had walked

     were walking


  13.  A strong wind ..... and I decided to put on a warm coat. 


     had blown

     was blowing

     had been blowing

  14.  Before I went to bed I decided to check the front door. I was sure my sister ..... it. And I was right! 

     didn’t lock

     hadn’t locked


     had locked

  15.  I saw Paul at the airport. He ..... for his brother’s plane to arrive from Canada. 

     had been waiting

     was waiting


     had waited

3 вариант

1.  Mrs. Smith was busy last weekend because her grandchildren ..... with her. 

     had been staying

     were staying


     had stayed

  2.  Robert didn’t answer the phone when Mary called. He ..... a shower and didn’t hear the phone ring. 

     had been taking

     was taking

     had taken                         took

  3.  Our clothes were wet because we ..... in the rain. 

     had been walking

     had walked

     were walking


    4.  The Browns ..... in a large house when their children were at home, but they moved to a small three-room apartment after the children grew up and left home. 


     had lived

     used to live

     were living

  5.  Hardly ..... the place of our destination when it became quite dark. 

     had we reached

     we reached

     we were reaching

     we had been reaching

  6.  Dinosaurs were the largest animals ever to live on earth, and they ..... the Earth for a very long period of time. 


     were ruling

     had ruled

     had been ruling

  7.  Mrs. Robson died in her sleep. Her doctor told me she ..... from a weak heart for some time. 

     was suffering

     had been suffering


     had suffered

  8.  She was not interested in the book because she ..... it. 

     hadn’t understood

     didn’t understand

     wasn’t understanding

     hadn’t been understanding

  9.  Rescue workers ..... a man, a woman, and two children from cold rushing water. 

     had pulled


     were pulling                   had been pulling

  10.  He ..... ill for three days, so his mother wanted to bring him to a doctor, but he didn’t want to go. 

     had felt


     had been feeling

     was feeling

  11.  Who ..... in this house before they pulled it down? 

     was living

     had lived


     had been living

  12.  Yesterday I came up to a stranger who looked like Jane Faster and started talking to her. But she wasn’t Jane. It was clear I ..... a mistake. 


     was making

     had made

     had been making

  13.  A strong wind ..... and I decided to put on a warm coat. 


     had blown

     was blowing

     had been blowing

  14.  Greg didn’t want to be late for the theatre. He drove as fast as he could. The play ..... as he walked in the door of the theatre. 

     was just beginning

     had just began

     just began

     had been just beginning

  15.  It wasn't raining when I looked out of the window; the sun was shining. But it ..... earlier. That's why the ground was wet. 


     was raining

     had rained

     had been raining

4 вариант

1.  While I ..... the dishes last night, I dropped a plate and broke it. 


     was washing

     had washed

     had been washing

  2.  He was taken to the police station because he ..... into a car in front of him. 


     had crashed

     didn’t crash

     wasn’t crashing

  3.  Yesterday I came up to a stranger who looked like Jane Faster and started talking to her. But she wasn’t Jane. It was clear I ..... a mistake. 


     was making

     had made

     had been making

  4.  Our clothes were wet because we ..... in the rain. 

     had been walking

     had walked

     were walking


  5.  Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red. She ..... . 


     was crying

     had been crying

     had cried

  6.  He ..... ill for three days, so his mother wanted to bring him to a doctor, but he didn’t want to go. 

     had felt


     had been feeling

     was feeling

  7.  I looked everywhere for my car keys and then I remembered that my son ..... the car to work. 


     had taken

     was taking

     had been taking

  8.  Who ..... in this house before they pulled it down? 

     was living

     had lived


     had been living

  9.  Everybody was laughing merrily while Harris ..... them a funny story. 


     had told

     was telling

     had been telling

  10.  When I first ..... to England in 1938, I thought I knew English fairly well. 


     had come

     was coming

     had been coming

  11.  A strong wind ..... and I decided to put on a warm coat. 


     had blown

     was blowing

     had been blowing

  12.  It wasn't raining when I left my office in the evening, but the ground was wet. It ..... all day. 

     had been raining


     was raining

     had rained

  13.  I didn’t see Linda last month because she..... around Europe at that time. 


     was travelling

     had travelled

     had been travelling

  14.  Mrs. Smith was busy last weekend because her grandchildren ..... with her. 

     had been staying

     were staying


     had stayed

  15.  A man once built a house and ..... his friends to visit him. 

     had invited

     was inviting


     had been inviting


Раздел 6. Тема 6.1. . Образование

List of words

1.     higher educational establishment

2.     academy

3.     university

4.     college

5.     technical school

6.     department

7.     faculty

8.     staff

9.     lecture

10. lecturer

11. professor

12. teacher

13. tutor

14. science

15. scientific

16. scientist

17. research work

18. pedagogical activity

19. brunch

20.  to prepare specialists

21. to take an active part

22.  to solve different problems

23. specific feature

24. large scale

25. to develop

26. development

27. degree

28. Bachelor of Science

29. Bachelor of Arts

30. Master’s Degree

31. Doctor’s Degree

32. undergraduate

33. postgraduate

34. to graduate

35. to encourage


Раздел 6. Тема 6.2. Возможность получения образования в России.

Answer the questions

1.      Is education in our country free?

2.      Is education in Russia right or duty?

3.      What kind of schools are there in Russia?

4.      What are the possible ways to continue education after the finishing of the secondary school?

5.      What are the main types of educational institutions in our country?

6.      What are the types of higher education institutions in Russia?


Раздел 6. Тема 6.3. Возможность получения образования в Кузбассе.

Answer the questions

1. What types of educational institutions are there in Kuzbass?

2. How many schools are there in Kemerovo? And how many schools are there in your district?

3.  What institutions can you name?

4. What schools have you finished?

5.  What can you tell about your own school?

6.  At which university do you want to study later?


Раздел 7. Тема 7.1. Мой техникум.

List of words

1. To think about further education

2. To read for exams well beforehand

3. It depends on what you are interested in

4. To have special subjects in the curriculum

5. To attend all the lectures and seminars regularly

6. Scholarship

7. To be at the top of the group

8. To call the register

9. To do research

10. Exams and credit tests

11. To do something after graduation

12. A good opportunity

13. To have a good opportunity

14. To enter a university without taking entrance exams

15. To study hard regularly

16. To work by fits and starts

17. It’s up to you to decide

18. To make the right choice

19. Friendship is the best thing in the world


Раздел 7. Тема 7.2. Моя будущая специальность.

Answer the Questions

1. Where do you study? What year are you in?

2. How many floors does the building have?

3. Is the discipline strict in your college? What are the rules in your college?

4. Are you allowed to enter the college if you are late for a lesson?

5. Are the classes well equipped? What do they have?        

6. Which classroom do you like best? Why?

7. Where is the Assembly Hall? What is held there?

8. Is the quality of teaching high?

9. How many people are there in your group?

10. What are the halls for the students like? Is it comfortable to sit there?

11. How are the walls decorated?

12. What is college canteen like? Is it pleasant to have food there?

13. Where do the students have PT lessons?

14. Why is the college proud of its stadium? 

15. Do you attend PT lessons?

16. What do you do at the English lessons?

17. What would you like to change in your college?


Раздел 7. Тема 7.3. Грамматический практикум: «Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты».

Тест по теме  "Modal Verbs": к каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.

1 вариант

1.  I didn’t ..… to get up early, so I didn’t. 





  2.  You’ve been reading all day. You ….. be tired. 





  3.  It’s strange that they ..… be late. 





  4.  This price is wrong. It ….. be $3.50, not $4.00. 





  5.  ..… I have one of these cakes? 



         have to


  6.  Hello, ..… I speak to Tom, please? 





  7.  We haven’t got much time. We ….. hurry. 





  8.  We’ve got plenty of time. We ..… to hurry. 


         don’t need



  9.  You look tired. You ….. go to bed. 





  10.  Jack ..… go to hospital yesterday. 



         had to

         has to

  11.  The phone is ringing. It ….. be Jack. 





  12.  ..… you like a cup of coffee? 





  13.  He must ….. to Saint-Petersburg before. 



         have been             has been

  14.  Jim gave me a letter to post. I ….. remember to post it. 





  15.  It’s a secret. You ….. tell anyone. 






2 вариант

1.  The situation was bad but it ….. worse. 


         should be

         could have been

         would have been

  2.  It was the principle of the tiling. People ….. to keep their words. 




         are able

  3.  Jim gave me a letter to post. I ….. remember to post it. 





  4.  You’ve been reading all day. You ….. be tired. 





  5.  ..… you please be quiet? I’m trying to read. 





  6.  I ….. rather stay at home than go out. 





  7.  Jack ..… go to hospital yesterday. 



         had to

         has to

  8.  He is terribly fat. He ..… eat too much. 





  9.  It’s a secret. You ….. tell anyone. 





  10.  If you want to become a teacher, you ….. go to teachers training college for four years. 



         have to


  11.  What shall we do this evening? We ..… go out. 




         ought to

  12.  I haven’t decided yet where to go for my holiday. I ….. go to Greece. 





  13.  Lisa ..… get bored in her job. Her job is so boring. 





  14.  I’ll ….. go now. My friends are waiting. 


         have to


         be able to

  15.  ..… you help me carry this downstairs? 






3 вариант

1.  I haven’t decided yet where to go for my holiday. I ….. go to Greece. 





  2.  I’ll ….. go now. My friends are waiting. 


         have to


         be able to

  3.  It’s a secret. You ….. tell anyone. 





  4.  I ….. to work tomorrow. 





  5.  You ….. have left your purse in the shop. 


         ought to



  6.  She ….. help you tomorrow. 


         will be able to

         will can

         is able to

  7.  I am so angry with them. I ..… kill them! 





  8.  ..… you like a cup of coffee? 





  9.  Where is Nick? He ..… be in his office. 




         ought to

  10.  ..… you please be quiet? I’m trying to read. 





  11.  We haven’t got much time. We ….. hurry. 





  12.  What shall we do this evening? We ..… go out. 




         ought to

  13.  My grandfather ..… speak six languages many years ago. 





  14.  ..… you help me carry this downstairs? 





  15.  I ….. rather stay at home than go out. 





4 вариант

1.  Where is Nick? He ..… be in his office. 




         ought to


 2.  I didn’t ..… to get up early, so I didn’t. 





  3.  I ….. to sleep recently. 



         haven’t been able


  4.  The phone is ringing. It ….. be Jack. 






 5.  I haven’t decided yet where to go for my holiday. I ….. go to Greece. 





  6.  He is terribly fat. He ..… eat too much. 





  7.  Take an umbrella. It ..… rain later. 





  8.  Lisa ..… get bored in her job. Her job is so boring. 





  9.  She ….. help you tomorrow. 


         will be able to

         will can

         is able to

  10.  The situation was bad but it ….. worse. 


         should be

         could have been

         would have been

  11.  ..… you help me carry this downstairs? 





  12.  I’ll ….. go now. My friends are waiting. 


         have to


         be able to

  13.  Are you going to read the report? No, I ..… . I already know what it says. 





  14.  ..… you please be quiet? I’m trying to read. 





  15.  What shall we do this evening? We ..… go out. 




         ought to

5 вариант

1.  Jack ..… go to hospital yesterday. 



         had to

         has to

  2.  It was the principle of the tiling. People ….. to keep their words. 




         are able

  3.  You ….. have left your purse in the shop. 


         ought to



  4.  I was surprised that she ..… say such rude words. 





  5.  ..… you please be quiet? I’m trying to read. 





  6.  I ….. rather stay at home than go out. 





  7.  ..… I have one of these cakes? 



         have to


  8.  It’s a secret. You ….. tell anyone. 





  9.  I recommend you to apologize. You ..… apologize. 





  10.  This price is wrong. It ….. be $3.50, not $4.00. 





  11.  What shall we do this evening? We ..… go out. 




         ought to

  12.  He ..… be at home. He ….. be out. 

         should, mustn’t

         can, shouldn’t

         must, can’t

         must, needn’t

  13.  He must ….. to Saint-Petersburg before. 



         have been

         has been

  14.  ..… you speak any foreign language? 





  15.  ..… you help me carry this downstairs? 






Раздел 8. Тема 8.1. Компетентности будущего специалиста.

List of words

1.     Vocational competences

2.     Vocational motivation

3.     Active learning methods

4.     Foreign language competences

5.     Continuous education

6.     Additional vocational training

7.     Social  activities

8.     The conditions of forming social  activity of students

9.     Quality of life

10.  Quality of education

11. Self – knowledge 

12. Self – development

13. Self – identity

14. Vocational training

15. Dialogue of cultures


Раздел 8.Тема 8.2. Требования к современному специалисту. Работа с текстом.

Answer the questions

1. What professional functions are necessary for modern specialist?

2.  What professional functions need our students?

3.  What should our students learn better?

4.  What shall you practice and were?

5.  What qualities shall develop her?

6.  Where do you wish to work?

7. What are you doing for it?

Раздел 8. Тема 8.4. Возможность трудоустройства в Кузбассе.

Answer the questions

1.     What vocational features are necessary for modern specialists?

2.     What are the possible ways of getting higher education in Kuzbass?

3.     What higher education establishments are there in Kemerovo?

4.     What industries are people of Kemerovo mostly engaged in?

5.     What other spheres of modern life are working kemerovites?

6.     What are the main industrial enterprises in Kemerovo?

7.     What kind of specialists are working there?

8.     What is a secondary salary in Kemerovo?

9.     What problems of placing in a job\ placement are there in Kuzbass?

10. Is quality of education closely connected with quality of our life?


Раздел 9. Тема 9.1. Спорт. Лексическая работа.  

List of words

1.all over the world

2.to be fond of


4.to be fit

5.personal initiative
















21.sport societies

22. cricket

23. unfair

24. to attract attention

25. to support

26. football ground

27. fan

28. amateur

29. rugby football

30. chief

31. spectator sport

32. racing

33. boat-race

34. tournament

35. degree

36. skill

38. to toboggan


Раздел  9. Тема 9.2. Спорт в нашей жизни. Работа с текстом.

Answer the questions

1.      Why do people all over the world are fond of sports and games?

2.      What are summer sports and what are winter sports?

3.      What kind of sports are popular with your friends'?

4.      Do you have to pay for sports facilities, such as stadiums, swimming pools and tennis courts?

6.      What can you say about physical training' lessons at your college?

6.      What kinds of sport are most popular in our country?

7.      What are the sports organizations in our country?

8.      What .are the most popular kinds of sport in America and England?

9.      What other American or English kinds of sports do you know?

10.    Are American football and baseball popular in Russia? Why and why not?


Раздел 9. Тема 9. 3. Спорт в Великобритании.

Answer the questions

1.      Are the British fond of watching sport games?

2.      What kind of sport is especially associated with Britain?

3.      What is cricket for an Englishman?

4.      What is the most popular game in the world?

5.      Where do the Cup finals take place?

6.      Is rugby played by professionals?

7.      What kinds of racing are popular in Britain?


Раздел 10. Тема 10.1. Человек и природа. Лексическая работа.

List of words

1. the environment

2. natural rich able

3. in harmony with

4. harmful Interference

5. industrial enterprises

6.  to pollute

7. substances

8. suffer

9. to upset

10. rare

11. to dry up

12. atmosphere

13. ozone layer

14. attitude

15. smog

16. disappearance

17. universal concern


Раздел 10. Тема 10.2. Защита окружающей среды.

Answer the questions

1. What is the main reason of ecological problems?

2. What are the main ecological problems?

3. Why should the ecological problems be a universal concern?

4. What steps are taken to fight ecological problems?

5. What causes air, soil and water pollution?


Страдательный залог.  Грамматический практикум.

1 вариант

We … to be polite and friendly to other people.

have taught

are taught

may taught

be taught


The exhibition … to the audience tomorrow morning.

will be opened


will open

is opened


My best friend … me about his wedding.

is being informed

has been informing

was informed



The Pyramids … long before the European civilization appeared.

will be constructed

are constructed

have been constructed

had been constructed


You’ll have to wait because the dinner …

will just being cooked

is just be being cooked

is just being cooked

was just being cooked


During World War II many cities … by the German army.

were occupied


have occupied

are occupie


A lot of money … since we established this fund. Hopefully, we will have raised the whole sum by the end of the year.

was donated


have been donated

has been donated


What … to help you avoid the punishment?

can be done

I can do

do you do

can been done


The official report … by the end of this week.

will be written

is being written

will have been written

is written


The number of the Internet users … every day.

is grown


are grown



This test … by a great number of students, so you can do it as well.

has passed

has been passed

have passed



Who … your house cleaned by?






He … when he told that he had never heard it before.

was laughed

was laughed at

was being laughed at



My little brother … to eat a lot of sweets.

is not allowed

will not allowed

must not allowed

was not being allowed


What were you asked … at the meeting?




2 вариант

1) The letters ................. (type) at the moment.


are being typed


2) Guernica ................. (paint) by Picasso.

has painted

 is painted paints

3) The parcel ................. (not/deliver) yet.

 has not been delivered yet

has not deliver

 have not yet been delivered

4) Alpha Romeo cars ................. (make) in Italy.



 are made

5) The thief ................. (arrest) late last night.

has been arrested

 was arrested

had been arrested

6) The announcement ................. (make) tomorrow.

will be made

will make

is maked

7) Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I ................. (be) Charles Trump.




8) I ................. (report) from BBC news headquarters.



 am reporting

9) Earlier this evening an earthquake hit Cairo, Egypt. Many people ................. (kill);


are killed

 have been killing

10) many more ................. (injure)

will be injured

 am injured

are injured

11) and much of the city ................. (destroy).

had been destroyed


 is destroyed

12) Emergency teams ................. (already/set up) all over the city.

already has set up

 already have been set up

 have already been set up

13) They ................. (help) the injured.

 are helping

are being helped

 are being helping

14) Firemen and local people ................. (dig) in the wreckage


 are digging

 were digging

15) as many people ................. (still/trap).

still are trapped

 trapped still are

are still trapped

16) We ................. (expect) a special, in-depth report from our reporters at any moment.

being expected

are expected

 are expecting

17) As soon as we ................. (hear) from them we will release another news bulletin.


 will hear

 are heard

18) Anyone who ................. (wish) to enquire about family or friends should ring the following emergency numbers - 010 888 - 38691/2/8/0 for information.

 is wished


are wished

19) We ................. (be back) with the special bulletin.

will be

 are back

 are being

20) A BBC special news team ................. (leave) for Cairo immediately.

is leaving

will be leaving

 has been leaving


Раздел 10. Тема 10.3. Человек и научно-технический прогресс.

Answer the questions

1.     What does acid rain harm?

2.     Where do some companies dump their chemical waste?

3.     What causes air, soil and water pollution?

4.     What kinds of energy are renewable?

5.     What is an energy “leak”?

6.     Why do farmers spray chemicals on crops?

7.     Why do you think recycling programs are important?

8.     Is there a lot of trash in our town?

9.     What do you think you should do to protect the environment?


Раздел 10. Тема 10.4. Грамматический практикум «Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив. Причастие»

Тест №1 Неличные формы глагола/ Non-Finite Forms of the Verb


 Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

 Choose the correct variant:


Is there anything in that new magazine worth _____.

to read



Although I was in a hurry, I stopped _____ to him.

to talk



I really must stop ______.

to smoke



Would you mind ______ the front door?

to close



You should remember ______ him. He’ll be at home.

to phone



Do you enjoy ______?

to teach



All parts of London seem ______ to different towns and epochs.

to belong



Why have you stopped? Go on ______.

to read



The teacher asked us some questions and went on ______ us about the climate of England.

to tell



When we had finished ______ the waiter brought the bill.

to eat



My elder brother went to college, and I hope ______ there too.

to go



My car needs a service badly, and Tom offered ______ me with it.

to help


Avoid ______ and you’ll feel better soon.

to overeat



I can’t help ______ about that awful accident.

to think



The Brains want ______ Boston this week.

to leave for

leaving for


I’ll always remember ______ you for the first time.

to meet



I decided ______ my holiday in France.

to spend



I enjoy ______ very much.

to travel



We might manage ______ a lot of interesting places there.

to visit



I dislike ______ around in the car.

to tour



Раздел 11. Тема 121.1. Культура. Работа с лексикой и с текстом.

List of words

1. culture

2. art

3. value

4. drawing

5. painting

6. sculpture

7. architecture

8. literature

9. music

10. ballet

11. museum

12 art gallery

13. theatre

14. cultural tradition

15. custom

16.  connoisseur

17.  merchant

18.  famous

19.  beautiful

20.  masterpiece


Раздел 11. Тема 11.2. СМИ. Работа с текстом. Инфинитивные обороты.

Answer the questions

1.What is mass media?

2. How does mass media influence people?

3. What is the difference between radio and TV programmes?

4. Does the audience of TV and radio differ?

5. Do you think that advertising is useful?


Раздел 12. Тема 12.1. Проблемы молодёжи.

List of words

1. to afford,

2. to chat,

3. to criticize

4. to declare,

5. to differ

6. to unite,

7. to vote,

8.  to prohibit,

9. to suffer

10. approval,

11. citizen,

12. cruelty,

 13. democracy,

14.  diversity,

15. disability,

16. Ethnicity

17.  equality,

18.  foreigner,

19. harm,

20. humanities,

21.  justice,

22.  liberty,

23.  nationality,

24. peacemaker,

25. relationship(s),

26.  remote control,

27. self-determination,

28. self-respect,

29. separation,

30. sympathy

31. alternative,

32.  armed,

33. disabled,

34. confident,

35. contrary,

36. complete(ly),

37. ethnic,

38. impolite,

39. indifferent,

40. inhuman,

41. intolerant,

42. mobile,

43. peaceful,

 44. to put the idea into action,

45.  to do without

46. to get over,

47.  to get together,

48.  to get on / off,

49.  to put off,

50. to keep a sense of humour,

51.  to give somebody the creeps,

 52. to look lovely,

 53. to take turns,

54. to be fair,

55. and what net, It’s (not) fair.


Раздел 12. Тема 12.2. Проблемы молодёжи Кузбасса.

Answer the questions

1.     What problems are there in your life?

2.     How the problem of good health is connected with the problem of environment in Kuzbass?

3.     What steps should we make in solving this problem?

4.     Do you keep yourself fit? Do you go in for sport?

5.     How does sport help you in your life?

6.     How is the quality of your life connected with the quality of your education?

7.     How much does higher education cost in Kemerovo?

8.     What is a medium salary in Kuzbass at industrial enterprises, at budget sphere?

9.     How do church organizations and centers help in solving problems of alcoholism and drug – abuse?


Раздел 12. Тема 12.3. Книги в моей жизни.

List of words

classical literature


detective story

adventure story

to move


to set up


to go on

to create


to appear






to mean



Раздел 12. Тема 12.4. Собеседование по изученному лексико-грамматическому материалу.

Вариант 1

I.      Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1.     … Lena is … longest river in … Siberia.

2.     What … fine day it is today!

3.     This is … book, … book is very interesting.

4.     Do you see … Sun in … sky today?

5.     I went to … Smirnovs, but they were not at … home.

6.     … Yuri Gagarin was … first man to fly over … Earth in spaceship.

7.     In … summer we live in … country.

8.     We cannot live without … water and … air.

9.     Will you have … glass of … water?

10. He is … worker by … profession.

II.   1) Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих прилагательных и наречий, переведите исходные слова

       Large, hot, bad, happy, slow, slowly, beautiful, active


2) Переведите предложение на русский язык

1. This book is hot so interesting as that one.

2. The more you read, the more you know.


III.     Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на оборот <There + to be>

1.     There … a telegram on the table.

2.     Soon there … a new film on.

3.     … there any lectures? No, there… .

4.     There … some new pupils in our group.

5.     There … no book on the table.

IV.      Выберите правильно модальный глагол или его эквивалент (can, could, may, might, must, should, to be to, to have to). Переведите предложения.

1.     I … drive a car.

2.     It … rain soon.

3.     You … know the result of experiment.

4.     … I help you?

5.     Children … obey their parents.

Вариант 2

I. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. … Volga is … longest river in … Europe.

2. What is … nearest way to … Drama Theatre?

     3. … butter and … cheese are made of … milk.

     4. Will you have … cup of … tea?

5. I have … ten programmers on my TV.

6. My … brother’s … friend has no … dog.

7. They have … party. … party is … birthday party.

     8. Her son is … engineer by … profession.

9. We shall go to … cinema together with … our friends.

10. … Ivanovs  are ourrelatives.


II. 1) Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих    прилагательных и наречий, переведите исходные слова

      Tall, easy, big, nice, good, well, far


2) Переведите предложение на русский язык

1. The more we learn the more we know.

2. The Baltic Sea is not so warm as the Black Sea.


III. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на оборот <There + to be>

1. There … much snow last winter.

     2. There … something on the shelf.

     3. … there any telegrams from Moscow? Yes, there … some. 

     4. Some years ago there … many old houses in our street.

5. There … 7 days in a week.


IV. Выберите правильно модальный глагол или его эквивалент (can, could, may, might, must, should, to be to, to have to). Переведите предложения.

1. You … take my dictionary.

2. I … translate this text without a dictionary.

3. You … consult a doctor.

4. You … go there and see him.

5. Student … pass their exams in time.



Вариант 3

I. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. … Rostov is situated on … right bank of … Don.

2. I don’t know … way to … station.

     3. Usually I get up at … 7 o’clock in … morning.

     4. I read … book yesterday. … book was … interesting and … funny.

5. Open … door, please!

6. She is … teacher by profession.

7. Will you have … cup of … coffee?

     8. … dress is made of … silk.

9. History and … Computer Science were … my favorite  subjects at … school.

10. … sky is blue today!


II. 1) Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих    прилагательных и наречий, переведите исходные слова

      High, busy, many, hot, little, wonderful, active, nice


2) Переведите предложение на русский язык

1. Your room is as light as mine.

2. The longer the night is, the shorter the day.


III. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на оборот <There + to be>


1. There … 5 theatres in our city.

     2. There … no lift in our house.

     3. There … many beautiful flowers in our garden.

     4. … there a test last lesson? No, there …

5. There … nobody in the room yesterday.


IV. Выберите правильно модальный глагол или его эквивалент (can, could, may, might, must, should, to be to, to have to). Переведите предложения.

1. I … play football very well.

2. … I have another apple?

3. You … vacant this seat.

4. Chemists … to create new and strong materials.

5. You … know the result of test.


Вариант 4

I. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. … Black Sea is in … South of … Russia.

2. He works as … engineer. He is … good engineer.

     3. … Winter begins in … December.

     4. … Lomonosov was … great Russian scientist.

5. Pass me … salt, please!

6. I don’t like … salt and … sugar.

7. What … strange man he is!

     8. …. Washington is … capital of … USA.

9. … Sun shines brightly today.

10. She has two … daughters aw one … son.


II. 1) Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих    прилагательных и наречий, переведите исходные слова

      Strong, interesting, wide, far, pleasant, many, slow, slowly.


2) Переведите предложение на русский язык

1. My brother is not as tall as you are.

2. The less people think. The more they talk.


III. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на оборот <There + to be>

1. There … some new students in our group.

     2. There … 4 seasons in a year.

     3. … there any interesting stories in this book?

     4. Soon there … a new film on.

5. … there anything on the shelf?


IV. Выберите правильно модальный глагол или его эквивалент (can, could, may, might, must, should, to be to, to have to). Переведите предложения.


1. … I ask you a question?

2. My brother … swim very well.

3. You … learn these words by heart.

4. Children … stay at home! It is cold today.

5. His article … be published in the newspaper.


Вариант 5

I. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. … Moscow is situated on … Moskva river.

2. … Lomonosov was born in … small village on … shore of … White Sea.

     3. … butter and … cheese are made of … milk.

     4. Will you have … glass of … mineral water?

5. It your dress made of … wall or … cotton?

6. … Russia is one of … largest countries of … world.

7. My … brother’s friend is …. engineer.

     8. He wants to become … good specialist.

9. What … street do you live in?

10. I was born on … first of October.


II. 1) Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих    прилагательных и наречий, переведите исходные слова

      Popular, bad, big, active, little, quickly, short, easy.


2) Переведите предложение на русский язык

1. Today the wind is as strong as it was yesterday.

2. The more you think, the more you understand.


III. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на оборот <There + to be>

1. There … no lift in our house.

     2. … there a map on the wall?

     3. There … many large cities in our country.

     4. … there … a flight for Moscow tomorrow?

5. There … much rain last autumn.


IV. Выберите правильно модальный глагол или его эквивалент (can, could, may, might, must, should, to be to, to have to). Переведите предложения.

1. I … translate this article without a dictionary.

2. You … be at home in time!

3. You … call him, he is ill.

4. We … learn these words by heart and translate the text.

5. … you  tell me the way to the station?



Вариант 6

I. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Yesterday I saw … new film, but … film wasn’t interesting.

2. … London is situated on … Thames.

     3. Do you see … Sun in … sky today?

     4. Open … window, please!

5.  We went to … Petrovs, but they were not at … home.

6. … Spring begins in … March.

7. … Coffee is cold.

     8. What is … nearest way to … station?

9. Do you like … food at … our … party?

10. She is … doctor by … profession.


II. 1) Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих    прилагательных и наречий, переведите исходные слова

     Warm, hot, bad, new, wide, popular, effective, honestly.


2) Переведите предложение на русский язык

1. Today is as hot as yesterday.

2. The more automation develops, the greater is the role of machines.

III. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на оборот <There + to be>

1. There … a dist in my study room.

     2. … there hot water in your kitchen?

     3. There … no balcony in my garden room.

     4. Some years ago there … many old houses in our street.

5. … there any interesting stories in this book?

IV. Выберите правильно модальный глагол или его эквивалент (can, could, may, might, must, should, to be to, to have to). Переведите предложения.

1. Who … answer my question?

2. Nobody … translate this text yesterday.

3. We … stay at home. It’s raining.

4. You … write a dictation today, be ready.

5. You … take my dictionary.





Вариант 7

I. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. … Kemerovo is situated on … Tom.

2. I see … girl. … girl is … student of our … group.

     3. This is … book, book is very interesting.

     4. … Ice-cream is made of … milk and … sugar.

5. …Mendeleyev was … great Russian scientist.

6. In … summer we live in … country.

7. I don’t know … way to Drama Theatre.

     8. History and … Computer Science were … my favourite subjects at …            school.

9. Her dress is wade of … wool.

10. What … strange man he is!


II. 1) Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих    прилагательных и наречий, переведите исходные слова

      Rich, popular, fast, clever, wide, bad, well, interesting.


2) Переведите предложение на русский язык

1. This method is not so effective as that one.

2. The more astronomers work, the more we know of the Universe.


III. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на оборот <There + to be>

1. There … many large cities in our country.

     2. There … nobody in the laboratory yesterday.

     3. There … a Conference next week.

     4. … there a test last lesson? No, there …

5. Soon there … a new film on.


IV. Выберите правильно модальный глагол или его эквивалент (can, could, may, might, must, should, to be to, to have to). Переведите предложения.

1. … I ask you a question?

2. You … open the window, it is too hot.

3. You … revise the grammar rules and the words for the test.

4. My sister … play the piano very well.

5. They … go there tomorrow. It will he her birthday party.


Вариант 8

I. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. … Lena is … longest river in … Siberia.

2. I don’t  drink … coffee with … milk and … sugar.

     3. … Sun shines brightly today.

     4. I see … man. … man is our teacher.

5. Let’s go to … museum together!

6. In … autumn we go to … country.

7. I went to …. Ivanovs, but they were not at … home.

     8. Switch on … light!

9. … Washington is … capital of … USA.

10. … Peter’s brother is … worker by … profession.


II. 1) Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих    прилагательных и наречий, переведите исходные слова

      Big, cool, cheap, fast, active, narrow, well, far.


2) Переведите предложение на русский язык

1. Old cars are less expensive than new ones.

2. The Baltic Sea is not so warm as the Black Sea.


III. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на оборот <There + to be>

1. There … a conference next week.

     2. There … a lot of stars and planets in space.

     3. … there … a lift in your future house? Yes, there…

     4. … there a lamp over the table? Yes, there…

5. There … 7 days in a week.


IV. Выберите правильно модальный глагол или его эквивалент (can, could, may, might, must, should, to be to, to have to). Переведите предложения.


1. Students … learn foreign languages.

2. You … take my textbook.

3. All of us … be in time for classes.

4. You … send her a telegram.

5. She … not explain anything.


Вариант 9

I. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. … Warsaw is … capital of … Poland.

2. Usually I get up at … 6 o’clock in …morning.

     3. Do you see … Sun in … sky today.

     4. Will you have … cup of … tea?

5. I don’t know … way to … station.

6. What … fine day it is today!

7. This is … house. … house is famous in our … town.

     8. …. Peter’s brother is … worker by … profession.

9. … Lomonosov was … great Russian scientist.

10. I have … ten programmers on my TV.


II. 1) Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих    прилагательных и наречий, переведите исходные слова

      Happy, hot, nice, warm, far, fast, clever, slowly.


2) Переведите предложение на русский язык

1. This magazine is not so popular as that one.

2. The more you read, the more you know.


III. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на оборот <There + to be>


1. There … no book on the desk.

     2. There … a conference next week.

     3. There … much snow last winter.

     4. … there a test at the last lesson? No, there …

5. There … many old houses in our street many years ago.

IV. Выберите правильно модальный глагол или его эквивалент (can, could, may, might, must, should, to be to, to have to). Переведите предложения.

1. They … run quickly.

2. Who … read this text?

3. … I have another pie?

4. We … meet at 7 o’clock.

5. You … close the window, it is cold.



Вариант 10

I. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. … New York is one of … biggest business centers in … world.

2. What is … nearest way to … Drama Theatre?

     3. … butter and … cheese are made of … milk.

     4. What … strange man he is!

5. … Yuri Gagarin was … first man to fly over … Earth in … Spaceship.

6. My sister will go to … school … next year.

7. I went to … Smirnovs, but they were not at … home.

     8. I don’t know … way to … station.

9. Switch on … Light!

10. … Siberia is … land beyond … Urals.


II. 1) Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень от следующих    прилагательных и наречий, переведите исходные слова

      New, old, cold, far, happy, quickly, famous, bad.


2) Переведите предложение на русский язык

1. Radio is the best navigation control means.

2. The longer the night is, the shorter the day.


III. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме. Переведите предложение, обращая внимание на оборот <There + to be>


1. There … nobody in the room yesterday.

     2. … there … a flight for Moscow tomorrow? Yes, there…

     3. Some years ago there … many old building in our street.

     4. … there a lamp over the table? Yes, there…

5. There … much snow last winter.

IV. Выберите правильно модальный глагол или его эквивалент (can, could, may, might, must, should, to be to, to have to). Переведите предложения.

1. I … translate this text without a dictionary.

2. … I come in?

3. Children … obey their parents.

4. We … meet her at 6 p. m. at the station.

5. … you tell me the time?




6.2. Время на подготовку и выполнение:

подготовка _10_____ мин.;

выполнение _1__ часа ___10__ мин.;

оформление и сдача__10___ мин.;

всего___1___ часа___30___ мин.


6.3. Перечень объектов контроля и оценки


Наименование объектов контроля и оценки

Основные показатели оценки результата

З1. Лексические единицы по теме

Знание лексики наизусть

З.2. Грамматические структуры

Понимание грамматических структур

З.3. Фонетические правила

Аутентичное произношение слов

У.1. Чтение

Понимание прочитанного, правильность произношения и ударения слов

У.2. Перевод текстов со словарём

Умение пользоваться словарями разных видов

У.3. Аудирование

Понимание иностранной устной речи

У4.  Диалогическая речь

Умение вступать в диалог

У5.  Письменная речь

Соблюдение орфографических норм

У6.  Монологическая речь

усвоенные знания

Применение знаний л\г структур в устной речи


За правильный ответ на вопросы или верное решение задачи выставляется положительная оценка – 1 балл.

За не правильный ответ на вопросы или неверное решение задачи выставляется отрицательная оценка – 0 баллов.






Шкала оценки образовательных достижений

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Оценка уровня подготовки

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70




6.4. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации:

1. КИМ

2. бумага (двойной тетрадный листок)

3. ручка

4. грамматические таблицы



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Краткое описание документа:

Контрольно-измерительные материалы (КИМ) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины иностранный язык.

КИМ включают контрольные материалы для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачёта

КИМ разработаны на основании положений:

- «Рекомендации по реализации образовательной программы среднего (полного) общего образования в образовательных учреждениях начального профессионального образования в соответствии с федеральным базисным учебным планом и примерными учебными планами для образовательных учреждений Российской Федерации, реализующих программы общего образования» (письмо Департамента государственной политики и нормативно-правового регулирования в сфере образования Минобрнауки России от 29.05.2007 №03 – 1180) иностранный язык в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования (далее – СПО) изучается с учётом профиля получаемого профессионального образования по специальности:

13.02.11 Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание электрического и электромеханического оборудования (по отраслям);


- программы учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык».

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    Волощенко Мария Анатольевна
    Волощенко Мария Анатольевна
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    • Подписчики: 7
    • Всего просмотров: 10300
    • Всего материалов: 15

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки



500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Основы теории обучения немецкому языку

36/72 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 52 человека

Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания французского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 120 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания испанского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

36 ч. — 144 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 76 человек


Психологическая зрелость и стрессоустойчивость: основы развития личности и поддержки

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 219 человек из 56 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 57 человек


Волонтерство: сущность, мотивация, и воспитание

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Создание контента и заработок в онлайн среде: регулирование, продвижение и монетизация

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 239 человек из 60 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 61 человек