Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программы“Independent Kazakhstan” ашық сабақ

“Independent Kazakhstan” ашық сабақ

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The theme: “Independent Kazakhstan”

Objectives:  to enlarge pupils’ scope for the  Kazakh culture, history, state symbols, holidays and famous people.

The type:  an intellectual game

Leader 1: Dear guests, teachers and pupils! As you know we are going to celebrate  the Independence of Kazakhstan . Now our country has its own flag, anthem and the state emblem.

Leader 2: And with the help of Russian and Kazakh languages  we can develop our skills in oral speech and reading and bring up  patriots of our motherland.

Leader 1: Биылғы жыл – қазақ халқы үшін айрықша, ардақты, мемлекетіміз үшін ең мерейлі, мерекелі жыл. Биыл біздің тәуелсіздік алғанымызға 22 жыл толып отыр.

Leader2: Ғасырға белгісіз он жеті жыл күллі қазақтың арман-тілегін аспандатқан, бабаларымыз бен әкелеріміз аңсап, арманы орындалған  ұлы мерекеміз құтты болсын!

Leader 1: Now you are welcome to enjoy our game “Independent Kazakhstan ”  specially prepared for you. Let’s make acquaintance with the participants.

(leader 1 and 2 invite the participants to the stage. )

Leader 2: Let’s start our game!

Level 1 is “Presentation- Таныстыру (Participants tell some words about their groups’ name, emblem, motto. )

1st team: “Friendship”

Our motto: “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Друг познается в беде”.

2nd team: “Kazakhstan

Our motto: my motherland is Kazakhstan.

I love it very much!

Its lovely fields with green on it.

Its durmasts on the land.

I love its lakes with rare birds

And rustling leaves on trees.

My motherland, my Kazakhstan

Do live and shine for me.

3rd team: “Happy children”

Our motto: “We are part of the world,

And the world is a part of me”.

Level2. “Alaman Baige- Аламан Бәйге”.

Leader 1:Now our second round’s waiting for us. Here you will see who of the groups think faster and right. “Alaman Baige” is the name of our next round.

Leader2: Бұл кезеңде оқушылар сұрақтарға жауап береді. Әр топ  сұрақтарға жауап береді. Әр дұрыс жауап 5 бал болып саналады.

1-     Нұсқа:

1.     Where is the Kazakhstan situated? (in central Asia)

2.     When did Astana become a new capital  of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (1998)

3.     How many million people live in Kazakhstan? (17 mln.)

4.     What is capital of our Republic? (Astana)

5.     Which countries border with Kazakhstan? (Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, China)

6.     What is represented on the state flag? (sun, an eagle , ornament )

7.     What is the official language of  our country? (Kazakh)

8.     What is the climate of our country? (strongly continental)

9.     Who is the author of the flag? (Shaken Niazbekov)

10.When do we celebrate the holiday Nauruz? (the 22nd of March)

2-     нұсқа

1.     What musical instruments do Kazakh people play? (dombyra, kobyz)

2.     How many official holidays are there in our country? Name them. ( 8 holidays. They are: New Year, Women’s day, Nauryz, the 1st of May, Victory day, The Constitution Day, The Independence day, Oraza ait)

3.     Who is the author of the State anthem? (Zh. Nazhimedenov, N. Nazarbayev, Sh. Kaldaiakov)

4.     What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? (an eagle)

5.     When was the declaration of Independence proclaimed? (16.12.1991)

6.     Who is the president of Kazakhstan? (N.A.Nazarbayev)

7.     When was our national currency put into circulation? (15.11.1993)

8.     Who is the author of the book “Asia”? (O. Suleimenov)

9.     Who is the author of the novel “Abai zholy”? (M. Auezov)

10.When was the first president of the Republic elected? (in 1991)

3-     Нұсқа

1.     Who is the head of Kazakhstan? (President N. Nazarbayev)

2.     What river is Astana situated on? (on the river Esil)

3.     How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (14 regions)

4.     When does Kazakhstan celebrate Independence day? (16 December)

5.     When did the 1st Kazakh cosmonaut fly into space? (10.10.1991)

6.     What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan? (an eagle)

7.     What does the blue color of the flag symbolize? (freedom, independent)

8.     Where is the Kazakhstan situated? (in central Asia)

9.     What is the official language of  our country? (Kazakh)

10. What kind of natural resources has Kazakhstan? (gold, cotton, rice, oil, coal etc.)

Level3. “Polyglot- Полиглот

Leader2: You’re welcome to enjoy our 3rd round “Polyglot”. Answers should be given in three languages.

Leader1:Келді кезек полиглотты шешуге,

Жауаптарын күштілерге есуге

Үш тілдерге қазақ, орыс, ағылшынды білсеңіз,

30 ұпай шәкірт саған несібе. (3тілді- 30 ұпай, 2 тілде – 20ұпай , 1тілде-10 ұпай).


1.     Жақсы ... үшін жан пида. (дос, друг, friend)

2.     Көңіл сырын ... білдіреді? (көз, глаза, eyes)

3.     ... басы бұлақ, сөздің басы құлақ. (су, вода, water)

4.     So many countries, so many …. (дәстүр, традиция, customs)

5.     ... тамған тілде у да тамар. (бал, мед, honey)

6.     Жіпке ілдім мен өзім, кіп-кішкентай күн көзін. (шам, лампа, Lamp)

7.     Better late than … . (never, ешқашан, никогда)

8.     Жұқа тақтай бөлшегі, ұзындықтың өлшемі. (сызғыш, линейка, ruler)

9.     Төрт қырлы өзі аппақ, тақтадағы ізі аппақ. (бор, мел,сhalk)

10. Қай айда  Қазағымыздың жаңа жылы тойланады? (Наурыз, март, March)


1.     Көз қорқақ, ... батыр. (қол, рука, hand)

2.     Білімнің жолбасшысы, шәкірттің қолбасшысы. (мұғалім, учитель, teacher)

3.     ... кілті- оқулық.(білім, знание, knowledge)

4.     East or West, … is best. (home,үй, дом)

5.     Knowledge is …. (power, қуат н\е күш, сила)

6.     Отан үшін ... түс. (от, огонь, fire)

7.     Жалқаудың жаны тәтті, еңбектің ... тәтті. (нан, хлеб, bread)

8.     Таяқ еттен өтеді, ... сүйектен өтеді. (сөз, слова, word)

9.     …aлтын қазына. (кітап, книга, book)

10.... жеті өнерде аз. (жігіт, парень, boy)


3- нұсқа.

1.     Өнер алды қызыл ... . (тіл, язык, language)

2.     Better late than … . (never, ешқашан, никогда)

3.     Speech is silver but silence is…. (gold, алтын, золото)

4.     ... зор байлық. (денсаулық, здоровье, health)

5.     Life is short, art is … (long, длинный, ұзын)

6.     Көп сөз көмір, аз сөз ... . (алтын, золото, gold)

7.     Айналада ақ отау, аузы- мұрны жоқ отау. (жұмыртқа, яйцо, an egg)

8.     Жазу жазып жалықпаған, жаза жаза арқытаған. (бор, мел,сhalk)

9.     Қазақтардың қасиетті саны? (жеті, семь, seven)

10.....– қылыштан да өткір. (тіл, язык, language)

Level 4. “Мagic seven- Ғажайып жетілік”

Leader 2: Our next round is “Magic seven” . Let’s enjoy the most important round of our game. You must choose one box and answer the question or make  task.

Leader1: 20ұяшық – 20ұпай;30ұяшық- 30 ұпай; 40ұяшық- 40ұпай











20 blue: find out a word fowler

20 red: find out a word obko

20green: find out a word eleag

30blue: What Kazakhs traditional horse races. (Baige)

30 red: What the place for skating in Almaty? (Shymbulak or Medeu)

30 green: The old mausoleum in Turkestan. It is more than 1500 years old. (Hodzha Akhmet  Yassaui)

40 blue:  make up sentences:  symbol     “Bayterek" monument is of  Kazakhstan  an  important.

 ( “Bayterek" monument is an important  symbol of  Kazakhstan).

40 red:   make up sentences:   in the world   Nowadays Astana  beautiful city is the biggest and more.

 (Nowadays Astana  is the biggest and more  beautiful city in  the world).

40 green: make up sentences:  Kazakhstan  continental  The climate of is

(The climate of Kazakhstan is continental)


Level 6. “Magic cards”

Leader1: Our last round  is “Magic cards” this round will finish our game and can change final results. Let’s begin to do the task. You must read the sentences and then write down it is true or false.




The Kazakh traditional costumes are shapan, camisole, kebis, takhia.



Kazakh traditional games are football and tennis.



Kazakhstan is   an independent  state



Today Almaty is capital of the Republic Kazakhstan.



Medeu is a world  famous skating rink .




(Сөз әділқазылар алқасына беріледі.

Жеңімпазға арнайы дипломмен марапатталады).

Leader 2: Thanks a lot to our participants for their active participation. Also thanks to our judges.  We wish you health, we wish you joy! Good- bye!!!







The Kazakh traditional costumes are shapan, camisole, kebis, takhia.



Kazakh traditional games are football and tennis.



Kazakhstan is   an independent  state



Today Almaty is capital of the Republic Kazakhstan.



Medeu is a world  famous skating rink .







The Kazakh traditional costumes are shapan, camisole, kebis, takhia.



Kazakh traditional games are football and tennis.



Kazakhstan is   an independent  state



Today Almaty is capital of the Republic Kazakhstan.



Medeu is a world  famous skating rink .







The Kazakh traditional costumes are shapan, camisole, kebis, takhia.



Kazakh traditional games are football and tennis.



Kazakhstan is   an independent  state



Today Almaty is capital of the Republic Kazakhstan.



Medeu is a world  famous skating rink .







The Kazakh traditional costumes are shapan, camisole, kebis, takhia.



Kazakh traditional games are football and tennis.



Kazakhstan is   an independent  state



Today Almaty is capital of the Republic Kazakhstan.



Medeu is a world  famous skating rink .



Көкшетау қаласы № 6 орта мектебі











Сыныптан тыс

Тақырыбы: «Independent Kazakhstan»





                   Өткізген: Амантаева М.К.







Көкшетау- 2013

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Краткое описание документа:

The theme: “Independent Kazakhstan”Objectives: to enlarge pupils’ scope for the Kazakh culture, history, state symbols, holidays and famous people.The type: an intellectual gameLeader 1:Dear guests, teachers and pupils! As you know we are going to celebrate the Independence of Kazakhstan . Now our country has its own flag, anthem and the state emblem.Leader 2: And with the help of Russian and Kazakhlanguages we can develop our skills in oral speech and reading and bring up patriots of our motherland.Leader 1: Биылғыжыл – қазақхалқыүшінайрықша, ардақты, мемлекетімізүшінеңмерейлі, мерекеліжыл. Биылбіздіңтәуелсіздікалғанымызға 22жылтолыпотыр.Leader2: Ғасырғабелгісізонжетіжылкүлліқазақтыңарман-тілегінаспандатқан, бабаларымызбенәкелерімізаңсап, арманыорындалғанұлымерекемізқұттыболсын!Leader 1: Now you are welcome to enjoy our game “Independent Kazakhstan ” specially prepared for you. Let’s make acquaintance with the participants.(leader 1 and 2 invite the participants to the stage. )

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