Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыBritish Food

British Food

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Урок английского языка

6 класс

Тема «Traditional British Food»

Подготовил учитель английского языка

Стуковинова Т.В.

Цель урока: актуализация лексики по теме Food, развитие навыков аудирования на основе видео фильма, формирование диалогических и монологических навыков, развитие умений работать в группах, расширение знаний о стране изучаемого языка

Ход урока

I Организационный момент

Good morning children! How are you? Did you have breakfast today? What did you have for breakfast?

1)     Сообщение темы урока

Today our lesson will be about traditional British food. We’ll revise different food, we’ll watch a video and we’ll read the text!

2)     Речевая разминка

Work in pairs please. What traditional British food do you remember? Discuss it for 2 minutes and tell me your ideas!

Let’s complete this spider gram with your ideas!

Traditional British Food




II Основной этап

1)     Актуализация лексики

Have a look at the board. There are some words for you. Listen and repeat! Well done! Now let’s see how well you remember these words! Find the words in the square and highlight them!

































































Tomato, sausage, pasta, fish, bacon, chips, pizza, egg, milk, cereal

2)     Работа с видео фильмом.

Задание до просмотра видео фильма

Do you know much about British food? What facts do you know? In several minutes we’ll watch the film about British food but before we do I’d like you to answer the following questions.

1.      What do milkmen do?

2.      Do British people often eat bacon and egg for breakfast?

3.      When do British people usually have lunch?

4.      When do they usually have their evening meal?

5.      Does London have a lot of foreign restaurants? From how many different countries?

6.      Do British people really eat a lot of fish and chips?

Задание во время просмотра видео фильма

Watch the video and find the answers to these questions!

Sequence 1 Now watch the first episode and fill in the tables. What do these people have for breakfast?

Sequence 2 Now please watch the second episode without the sound and tick the places you see. Where do people eat in Britain?

Now watch with the sound and complete the sentences!

Sequence 3 Well done! Now you’ll watch the next part and tick the restaurants you see while you watch!

Sequence 4 Watch the last episode and match the pictures with the speech bubbles!

Sequence 5 Watch the film till the end and answer the questions:

1.      How much do the fish and chips cost?

2.      How many servings of fish and chips do British people have a year?

3.      What’s the woman’s favourite food?

3)     Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи

The girl in the video asked what food you liked! Let’s answer her question! Now take the sheets of paper and write 3 questions to ask your classmates about their favourite food! Work in groups of 3. Start your questions like this:

What food do you …?

What’s your favourite…?

What do you usually have for…?

Now tell us about each member of the group! ( he/she likes…, his/her favourite food is…, he/she usually has … for…).

Write down your friends answers so we could have the favourite food survey. What is the most popular food?



4)     Чтение текста My English Breakfast

Hello, our names are Katharina and Niklas Kohlheim. We are 8 and 10 years old.

What do we usually have for breakfast? Well, we usually eat bread and butter, jam or marmalade, and cheese, eggs, bacon or salami. We usually drink tea with milk, or sometimes fruit tea. At weekends we have a glass of milk. Our parents like white coffee (that's coffee with milk). We also drink juice; orange juice is the best. Katharina prefers bread and butter, with strawberry jam, and I like bread and cheese and boiled eggs. What is your favourite breakfast?

Test: Mark sentences as true or false

1. Katherine is 10 years old.

2. They usually drink coffee for breakfast.

3. At weekends they have a glass of milk.

4. White coffee is coffee with milk.

5. Katherine prefers bread and cheese.

6. Niklas likes boiled egg.

III Завершающий этап

Did you like the lesson? What British food do you remember? At home you’ll write a composition My Family Breakfast. Thank you for your work!



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Урок английского языка10 классТема «Traditional British Food»Подготовил учитель английского языкаСтуковинова Т.В.Цель урока: актуализация лексики по теме Food, развитие навыков аудирования на основе видео фильма, формирование диалогических и монологических навыков, развитие умений работать в группах, расширение знаний о стране изучаемого языкаХод урокаI Организационный моментGood morning children! How are you? Did you have breakfast today? What did you have for breakfast?1)Сообщение темы урокаToday our lesson will be about traditional British food. We’ll revise different food, we’ll watch a video and we’ll read the text!2)Речевая разминкаWork in pairs please. What traditional British food do you remember? Discuss it for 2 minutes and tell me your ideas!Let’s complete this spider gram with your ideas!Traditional British Food II Основной этап1)Актуализация лексикиHave a look at the board. There are some words for you. Listen and repeat! Well done! Now let’s see how well you remember these words! Find the words in the square and highlight them! T Y P S J B A C O S A U S A G E M A S F P C M R A M T I R O I E T O A S T N L A O N I H E G K L C H I P S G A Y P I Z Z A M G L Tomato, sausage, pasta, fish, bacon, chips, pizza, egg, milk, cereal2)Работа с видео фильмом. Задание до просмотра видео фильмаDo you know much about British food? What facts do you know? In several minutes we’ll watch the film about British food but before we do I’d like you to answer the following questions. 1.What do milkmen do? 2.Do British people often eat bacon and egg for breakfast? 3.When do British people usually have lunch? 4.When do they usually have their evening meal? 5.Does London have a lot of foreign restaurants? From how many different countries? 6.Do British people really eat a lot of fish and chips?Задание во время просмотра видео фильмаWatch the video and find the answers to these questions!Sequence 1 Now watch the first episode and fill in the tables. What do these people have for breakfast?Sequence 2 Now please watch the second episode without the sound and tick the places you see. Where do people eat in Britain? Now watch with the sound and complete the sentences!Sequence 3 Well done! Now you’ll watch the next part and tick the restaurants you see while you watch! Sequence 4 Watch the last episode and match the pictures with the speech bubbles!Sequence 5 Watch the film till the end and answer the questions:1.How much do the fish and chips cost? 2.How many servings of fish and chips do British people have a year? 3.What’s the woman’s favourite food? 3)Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речиThe girl in the video asked what food you liked! Let’s answer her question! Now take the sheets of paper and write 3 questions to ask your classmates about their favourite food! Work in groups of 3. Start your questions like this:What food do you …?What’s your favourite…?What do you usually have for…?Now tell us about each member of the group! ( he/she likes…, his/her favourite food is…, he/she usually has … for…). Write down your friends answers so we could have the favourite food survey. What is the most popular food?4)Чтение текста My English BreakfastHello, our names are Katharina and Niklas Kohlheim. We are 8 and 10 years old.What do we usually have for breakfast? Well, we usually eat bread and butter, jam or marmalade, and cheese, eggs, bacon or salami. We usually drink tea with milk, or sometimes fruit tea. At weekends we have a glass of milk. Our parents like white coffee (that's coffee with milk). We also drink juice; orange juice is the best. Katharina prefers bread and butter, with strawberry jam, and I like bread and cheese and boiled eggs. What is your favourite breakfast?Test: Mark sentences as true or false1. Katherine is 10 years old.2. They usually drink coffee for breakfast.3. At weekends they have a glass of milk.4. White coffee is coffee with milk.5. Katherine prefers bread and cheese.6. Niklas likes boiled egg.III Завершающий этапDid you like the lesson? What British food do you remember? At home you’ll write a composition My Family Breakfast. Thank you for your work!

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