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Brain Ring - Intellectual Game

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Brain ring (Intellectual game)


Оқушылардың білім деңгейін, шапшандылығын анықтау, тез ойлауға, есте сақтауға өз ойын жеткізе білуге дағдыландыру, сонымен қатар пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыру.

Good afternoon dear participants, teachers, dear Jury and Guests. Today the week “The holiday of languages of Kazakhstani peoples” and we have intellectual game “Brain ring”. We have 3 commands:

  1. Apples” - division is: “Knowledge is a power”

  2. Oranges” - division is: “Live and learn”.

  3. Pears” – division is “Last but not least” (Крайний, но не последний)

I Round “Beige”

Can you complete the following proverbs?

1. When the cat is away a) that ends well.

2. Where there’s a will b) is not gold.

3. Better late c) is another man’s poison.

4. Look d) sweeps clean.

5. What’s done e) is a friend indeed.

6. An apple a day f) is good news.

7. One man’s meat g) keeps the doctor away.

8. Honesty h) so many minds.

9. A new broom i) the mice will play.

10. All’s well j) can’t be undone.

11. A friend in need k) is the pest policy.

12. No news l) than never

13. So many men m) before you leap.

14. All that glitters n) there’s a way

II Round “Блиц - сұрақтар” Участники должны ответить на вопросы

1. Ағылшын алфавитінде неше әріп бар? (26)

2. Ағылшын тіліндегі болымсыздықты білдіретін сөз? (not)

3. “White’ and “Black” сөздерін аудар (ақ, қара)

4. Who invented the first telephone? (Alexander Bell)

5. «The» артиклі нені білдіреді? (белгілілікті)

6. ағылшын алфавитіндегі 6-шы әріп? (Ff)

7. What is the day the week today? (Friday)

8. The 15th letter of an English alphabet? (Oo)

9. What is the national symbol of England? (a rose)

10. The colors Kazakhstan flag are? (blue and yellow)

11. “Break” сөзінің Past Participle формасы? (broken)

12. Герундий сөйлемде қандай мүше? – Thank you for helping me.

III. Round “Polyglot”. Match the English proverbs with their Russian equivalents.

1. Never judge a book by its cover – По одежке встречаютпо уму провожают

2. Never look a gift horse in the mount - Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят

3. Take care of the pence and pounds will take care of themselves - Копейка рубль бережет.

4. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе

5. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched - Цыплят по осени считают

6. The leopard cannot change its spots - Горбатого могила исправит

7. There is no place like home-В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше

8. Out of sight-out of mind С глаз долой из сердца вон

9. If you run after two Hares you will catch none - За двумя зайцами погонишься ни одного не поймаешь

IV. Жұмбақтарды шешіңдер.

1. It lives in a house – it likes milk and mice (a cat)

2. It is very small and grey - it likes cheese and hates cats (a mouse)

3. It lives near people and likes grass but not a cow; it is a very noble animal

(a horse)

4. It looks like a big but it is not domestic it lives in a forest (a bear)

5. It is long and doesn’t have legs only the body and the head. Many people are afraid of it (a snake)

6. It is a bird but it can’t fly, it lives near people and sing songs early in the morning to wake up the sun (a cock)

7. It is a big cat, it has yellow fur with black stripes and it is wild and can be dangerous (a tiger)

8. It is a fantastic animal you can read about it in the fair – tales. It has three heads and breathes with fire (a dragon)

IV. Round Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom

I’ll show you a pictures of some things on the screen. Please find out proverbs with the name of these things in three languages:

An apple, iron, friendship, mouse, silence, eyes, Motherland, books.

V. Round “Who knows more?”. Find the words from these letters.

a c d e h i j k a n o r e s t u w r s

1. cap; 2. trainers; 3. anorak; 4. jeans; 5. shoes; 6. dress; 7. jacket.

VI. Round Sweet language brings much”. Your own translations (explanations) of the English proverbs and sayings about language into Kazakh and Russian:

  1. A country without language is a country without an name/identity.

  2. Language was given to man to disguise his thoughts.

  3. Those who know no foreign language knows nothing of their mother tongue.

  4. Language clothes thought.

  5. Language/Tongue has no bones but it breaks bones.

  6. The nation lives through its language.

  7. He who loses his language loses his world.

  8. Sweet language brings even a snake from its hole.

  9. One who speaks only one language is one person, but one who speaks two languages is two people.

  10. To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.

Did you like the contest? “Is it not enjoyable to learn and practice what you learn?” - Confucius - Разве это не приятно учиться и практиковать то, что вы узнали? - Конфуций 

Жеңімпазды анықтау. (Жюри)

The contest is over, thank you for attentions! Good bye!

Brain ring


Тәрбие ісі жөніндегі орынбасар К.С. Бекбосынова


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Brain ring(Intellectual game)


Оқушылардың білім деңгейін, шапшандылығын анықтау, тез ойлауға, есте сақтауға өз ойын жеткізе білуге дағдыландыру, сонымен қатар пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттыру.

Good afternoon dear participants, teachers, dear Jury and Guests. Today the week “The holiday of  languages of Kazakhstani peoples” and we have intellectual game “Brain ring”. We have 3 commands:

1.     “Apples” -  division is: “Knowledge is a power”

2.     “Oranges” - division is: “Live and learn”.

3.     “Pears” – division is “Last but not least” (Крайний, нонепоследний)


I Round “Beige”

Can you complete the following proverbs?

1. When the cat is away        a) that ends well.

2. Where there’s a will          b) is not gold.

3. Better late                          c) is another man’s poison.

4. Look                                  d) sweeps clean.

5. What’s done                      e) is a friend indeed.

6. An apple a day                  f) is good news.              

7. One man’s meat                g) keeps the doctor away.

8. Honesty                             h) so many minds.

9. A new broom                     i) the mice will play.

10. All’s well                         j) can’t be undone.

11. A friend in need              k) is the pest policy.

12. No news                          l) than never

13. So many men                  m) before you leap.

14. All that glitters                 n) there’s a way


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